August 7, 2018

Roof Tile Repair: What You Need to Know

Repairing a discontinued tile is illegal according to Florida Building Code. Many roofers perform illegal repairs just to make a quick buck while costing you thousands. Learn more Today!

Time to read:
2 Minutes
Written by
Nicholas Capobianco

Do NOT Repair Discontinued Tile

We’ve seen a lot of misinformation post-Hurricane Irma regarding damage to ones discontinued tile. We did the research ourselves (most don’t bother) and can tell you with certainty that discontinued tile cannot be repaired to Florida Building Code standards.

Unfortunately there are a lot of “local” roofing companies convincing homeowners to do these improper repairs in order to make a quick buck. What's worse is that Insurance companies also try to convince homeowners to take a quick settlement in order to save themselves thousands of dollars when they know that they owe to replace the entire roof. Don't let them take advantage of you.

The Problem with Repairing Discontinued Tile

The problem is that these repairs that are not up to Florida Building Code. They WILL eventually be discovered, like during an inspection when the owner wants  to sell the home/finance the home,  or renew their insurance. When it is found that the roof is not built to code, the homeowner’s only choice is to pay the full cash price to replace the roof, costing tens of thousands of dollars.

We recommend that if you have a tile roof anywhere in Florida that you have it checked out by a licensed, insured, and educated Roofr partner.  Our roofing specialists will ensure that any damage is properly identified and that proper materials and building procedures are always followed.

Interested in professional roofing repair or inspection? Don't take the chance with a dishonest roofing company. Call 866-819-5215 today to get connected with roofing experts that will ensure all workmanship is up to code and exactly what your home needs!

Hope this helps! 


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