
How to organize your catalog using item types

Learn how to organize your catalog to streamline processes in Roofr

Last updated
November 26, 2024

What it does: Helps you mark a catalog item as a material, labour or other

Purpose: Let’s you organize your catalog with more filters and let’s you take advantage of item type specific features

Available On: All Plans

Every item in your catalog can be categorized as a material, labour item or a miscellaneous item (”Other). Your Roofr catalog can now also support 3 different item types:

  1. Material
  2. Labour
  3. Other

Adding an Item Type

Every item in your catalog is marked as a material to begin with and you can update the Item Type later. To edit the Item Type, click on the “Edit” button in your catalog and a side drawer will open. Select your item type from the dropdown and you’re done!

Bulk Updating Item Type

You have 100’s of items in your catalog and you don’t want to go and update each one of them individually. What do you do?

Don’t worry! we allow you to bulk update your item types. There are 2 ways you can bulk update your item types:

  1. Via CSV
  2. Bulk Actions


To bulk update your items via CSV, just download your catalog, update the item type column based on the formatting instructions and re-upload your catalog.

Bulk Actions

To update your items in-app, go to your catalog page and select all items that you want to mark as the same type. Click on the “Mark as …” button. Select the desired Item Type. You’re done!

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