Fast accurate roof measurement software
or measure it yourself for only $3 per report!
Sign up for Roofr Measurements and submit an address from your dashboard.
Use the easy DIY software to measure the roof from satellite or drone imagery.
Instantly download the detailed 6-page report with total squares, pitch, edges (including hips, valleys, ridges, flashing, and more)
We pride ourselves on accuracy. Trust our measurements to quote and win jobs. If something isn’t accurate, we’ll make it right.
We guarantee our reports in under 24 hours, all for as little as $19. Need it faster? No problem! Upgrade to a subscription plan and get faster turnaround times!
Measure from our satellite imagery, or upload your own drone imagery or blueprints.
Unlimited reports. No catch. Our software is only $3 per report to use for any roofing contractor.
Need a hand? Our experts will show you around to ensure you get the most out of Roofr.