Ask Us Anything: The First Masterclass of 2025

Welcome to our first Roofr Masterclass of 2025, where Pete and Nic take you on a whirlwind tour of everything you need to dominate the roofing game this year. This webinar is anything but ordinary. We’re answering your burning questions, showing off new features, and dropping knowledge bombs to help your business crush it in 2025.

From the game-changing ABC Supply integration to the secrets of using Roofr’s tools like a pro, this Masterclass is your front-row seat to success. Plus, we threw in some laughs, tech glitches, and Pete’s signature dad jokes. (Nic’s technical difficulties? Totally planned.)

Why You Should Watch

  • Get the edge over your competition with insider tips and the latest Roofr features.
  • Save time and headaches with tools like automations, supplier integrations, and email workflows.
  • Discover hidden gems to boost sales, streamline operations, and look like the pro you are—even if your Wi-Fi is acting up.

Key Moments You Can’t Miss

  1. [00:02:52] ABC Supply Integration: Say goodbye to price guesswork and hello to real-time supplier pricing.
  2. [00:08:54] Calendar + Automations: Let your CRM do the heavy lifting with seamless follow-ups.
  3. [00:24:00] Work Orders Beta: Simplify crew communication without adding extra costs or confusion.

Ready to grow your roofing business?

Hit play on this webinar to start 2025 with a bang. And don’t forget: Pete and Nic are just an email away if you have questions (or need a laugh).

Published on
January 22, 2025
Important Note: Any pricing information related to Roofr products or subscriptions may be outdated. Please check our pricing page for up to date information.


Pete: All right. Good afternoon, everybody. Welcome back. Um, I'm your host Pete with my co host Nick and, uh, our first masterclass here of 2025, so, uh, excited to kick this thing off and get rolling. Um, you know, a little ask us anything today, Nick. So we get, you know, uh, hopefully we'll get some good stuff going in the chat here and you guys can let us know anything that you have questions about.

And hopefully we can point you in the right direction here and answer some of those today. Uh, you know, I know we got a lot of new users coming onto the platform pretty much every day. So, uh, you know, hopefully we can, uh, you know, we can jump in here and ask, answer some questions. Uh, I did a podcast earlier today and he said he gets most of his good information from our masterclasses about what's going on with the products and how to use some of the new stuff.

So that was cool. Um, but yeah, let's just, uh, maybe a little recap to start with. Um, you know, I've got a couple things to go over here and, uh, you know, we'll kind of recap 2024 and all the stuff that we had go on and then move into our, uh, our questions here. So,  

Nic: yeah, it's exciting time, man. Like the last year was a whirlwind.

So many things came out, so many big updates. Pete still hasn't stopped crying because of the calendar.  

Pete: Calendar tears of joy. Yeah.  

Nic: So he's been so happy for, for now. So that came out in September. So good for my  

Pete: legacy in the roofing calendar. I would have never expected.  

Nic: I know. I know. So, uh, we've got a lot of cool things.

I'm really excited for even just Q1, the stuff that's coming out. So everyone just make sure you put your questions in there. We do have some that came in, uh, before. So we have those as well. But, uh, Hit us up with anything that you have. But, uh, like Pete said, we do have some housekeeping, uh, keep, uh, take care of.

That's the one I was looking for. So I'll let us go from there. So Pete, take it away.  

Pete: Yeah. I mean, obviously if you guys have been to any of these before, you know, Nick and I, we've been doing these now for, geez, Nick, how long, three years. I was gonna say, is this our third year doing this? Yeah, it's crazy.

Pretty crazy. Yeah. So it's almost three years of doing, uh, you know, these masterclasses together. And, uh, you know, there's our email addresses. I think that's a good thing to write down. If you guys have a shot to do that now or screenshot it, because, um, you know, Nick and I are always available. If you guys ever run into questions or need some help with the product, um, You know, be sure to, uh, to hit us up and, uh, you can always get in touch with one of us and we can at least point you in the right direction or put you in touch with the right person.

So, uh, you know, just, uh, let us know. Of course.

We got the Roofr updates here, Pete. Yes. Yeah. So the big one right now, obviously is our supplier catalog, getting a little bit of a, a revamp here, uh, because we were bringing in our first integration and that is with ABC supply, right?  

Nic: That's right. What's really exciting is that it's not just like the catalog, that's being integrated in there, but it's the ordering too.

So lining and everything. Getting those options up. That's super exciting stuff. So you'll see some big news coming out about that very shortly. The catalog integration is going super well. People are loving it, keeping their prices up to date and everything there as well. But the material I think is dropping, actually dropped this week for a couple of closed beta users to work out some bugs and we'll be having some more coming out for you guys this way.

So that's super exciting to get that ABC thing off the ground as well.  

Pete: Yeah, I was talking to a user earlier today, we did a podcast together and he was saying that, you know, this has really helped he's on the beta, I guess. And it's, he said, this has been huge for his business and just how easily he can transition from writing a proposal to, uh, you know, to pushing out a material order and now not even having to find the email address and email the material order that he said, he's like, I have a great rep, but.

There's been times where my rep has potentially missed my email and therefore, you know, we've had to scramble for materials. And now, uh, you know, the integration is going to allow you to just push that straight through into the MyABC system. So, uh, you don't have to worry about, you know, an email getting missed or not getting delivered or something like that and potentially having an issue with a material delivery.

So yeah, really excited about the integration with the supplier. And, uh, getting that rolling. I think it's going to be a huge, huge asset for anyone using the product. And hopefully you guys, uh, leverage it because it's a, it's definitely a good one  

Nic: for sure. And never have added price quotes anymore. Like that's a, that's a huge bonus.

One thing that's super unique about our integration with ABC is when you're sending out a proposal, if the pricing has changed, it's going to let you know before you send it out. So making sure that you have up to date pricing, you're never losing out on the money. Um, and that's going to keep you profitable.

That's a big thing. I think that we're going to be focusing on, uh, this year with some of the updates, keeping profitable.  

Pete: Yeah. And the other thing here is our affiliate program. Now this, uh, this question has come up a couple of times. I actually had a contractor reach out to me just a couple of weeks ago, asking about it, um, you know, it's a new program for us, right.

And, uh, you know, if you guys have someone that you think would be a great fit for roofer, you know, maybe it's a friend or, uh, even a competitor, maybe in your market that you think would be, uh, could benefit from using us. I know a lot of you guys collaborate with, uh, some of your fellow roofers around you.

So, um, You know, maybe spread the word a little bit and we have an affiliate program now, uh, that will allow you to benefit a bit from that. So, uh, be sure to take advantage of that. Check it out roofer. com slash partners and, uh, join the affiliate program there.  

Nic: One of the cool things about the affiliate program.

So you could also like, if you want to jump past the partner part, roofer. com slash affiliate is another way to get into it as well. But one of the cool things is that a lot of our users like that we demo on a day to day basis are coming from you guys, which is awesome. Love you guys sharing the news or posting about it.

But if people always like, Oh, do you get a couple of free reports or something like that? It's like better yet. Why don't you get up to 350 bucks for every referral that you send? So you can post that if you're a partner, if you're a user, if you're a friend, if whatever the case is. Drop that link wherever you can get paid for it.

And you just got the first step to do is get apply, uh, uh, to get approved on the affiliate program. So roofer. com slash affiliate, and you're up to up and run in there as well.  

Pete: Yeah. So, uh, just a quick housekeeping item here, the recordings of all of these, uh, masterclasses, as well as some of our other stuff like our, um, our podcast and some help articles and all that kind of those things.

Uh, I think Roofer Academy now even has a link from there. So if you go to roofer. com in our resources section, you'll find all that stuff. And of course our YouTube channel is also a great resource there. Um, and if you have any questions about any of that stuff. Hit up jennifer at roofer. com. Jen's always in the background here helping us out with the masterclass.

She's our ultimate planner slash coordinator of all things, uh, masterclass, podcast, all of that stuff. So, um, you know, if you have any questions about any of it, feel free to reach out to her. Um, She's the mastermind behind our roofer of the month. So that's a great, uh, you know, a great, uh, feature that we have going on with the podcast, you know, showcasing a lot of our roofers that use our product and, uh, showcasing their businesses.

So we've had some really great conversations on there. Did another one today. That's going to be fantastic. And got another one tomorrow. So make sure you guys jump on those and check those out. Go ahead.  

Nic: I got, I got a really nice message from one of our previous Roofers of the Month, uh, John Tucker. He was wearing this Roofer of the Month jacket and everything.

It was cool. He was like saying how, like, this is one of like the few awards that you can get that Doesn't have a, like you do not pay to play kind of deal. Like it was just on merit alone. And he's like, so proud to have that. So proud to be recognized for it. And so he wears it out all the time. He said his only problem is he's afraid of getting the jacket dirty.

I like it as a roofer. It's going to get dirty. So yeah, it's going to get dirty.  

Pete: Uh, and the last bit of, uh, you know, of information here, we do have a survey at the end of our masterclass. If you guys could take a second to fill that out at the end. Um, you know, it's super helpful for us. It helps guide, you know, future topics.

It helps guide, uh, just, you know, feedback on, you know, what we do, uh, here on the masterclass and how we do it. And make sure that Nick's closet is closed behind him, things like that. Don't wear any hats, don't have any things. Yeah. Those types of things. So, uh, so yeah, so some quick items, but, uh, yeah, let's just do a real quick recap.

Uh, you know, 2024, obviously Nick, so many things came out, right. What would you say was probably your, uh, your favorite thing, uh, that, you know, came through the pipeline on, uh, in 2024. It's too prod,  

Nic: right? Like for me, like calendar is a no brainer, but the calendar is nothing without the automations. And like, I see all these comments about like, Hey, I need automations.

I need to automate this, automate that. And I feel like it's just very. From us, not a lot of people know about it and how powerful our automations are. How to kind of make sure that you're following up with your customers so you don't have to follow up with them. Have your CRM sell for you. The CRM automatically send out.

Do you notice I'm not saying words properly today. before now have not come outta my mouth the right way. , um, you're gonna way too long. Could be a stroke. Who knows? If I  

Pete: drop,  

Nic: just call me. Then we know,  

Pete: then we know what happened.  

Nic: You have my wife's number, just call her. But, uh, yeah, that I, without the integrations, you're going to have your, uh, refu, uh, there it is again.

Now it's in my head. Review generation automatically by moving stages. You could have, uh, communications with the customers so they're never left untouched. So a new lead comes in in the middle of the night because of the instant estimator. You can make sure that in a couple hours it's reached out to again, tying that with text and stuff.

But when you tie it with the calendar, You can do things for moving stages automatically, so you never have to move it. The CRM hygiene is up top notch. You can get reminders for upcoming meetings. You can set delays. You can have all that there. If you really want to get crazy with it, you can set sequences almost by creating multiple steps and creating the times that they're sending out for each stage as well.

Super powerful, super, super powerful. I saw it in John Tucker, one of the previous roofers of the month there. Um, you guys are killing us with questions. I'm so keep them coming, but, uh, John Tucker actually has like a stage automation for invoice reminders. There's like the day it gets sent out the next day, day five, day seven and stuff.

So they automatically come out for each of those customers. He goes, I've never had to ask, uh, remind a customer for a payment. They just pay and using Roof repayments, it works in. So I say for me, it's two things. The calendar mixed with automations. Those are my two favorite things that we got.  

Pete: Yeah. I talked to the contractor today and he was saying that they're working really heavily on their automations with email right now because they're really relying heavy on their, uh, email.

They're doing a lot of work in Florida and because of all of the insurance work that's there, they're relying heavy on, um, referrals from their past customers. And so I actually have someone in the office right now that's building out a bunch of, um, automated emails going out as far as six months, just ranging.

Past customers and saying like, Hey, it's been six months since we've been there, you know, just, uh, checking in on you. And could you possibly drop us a referral? And, uh, yeah, so just some really cool uses of the system. You know, it's, it's always great to hear how contractors are leveraging the features inside of Roofr and, and what they're doing with them and how effectively they're working for them.

So I would have to say that my, probably my number one thing is from 2024 is probably the evolution of the proposals, right? Yeah. Discounts, upgrades, all of these things that, um, have evolved in that tool itself, you know, it's kind of like at the heart of the CRM, right? You know, it really is, you know, it's like what everything else kind of spurs off of is getting that deal.

And, uh, you know, to go back to, to the podcast that I did today, again, you know, he said that his favorite part of Roofr is the proposal tool, because he said he's a small, uh, small organization and he often gets, Uh, mistaken for a much, much larger organization because of how professional his proposal looks coming out of Roofr.

So, uh, he said, you know, he constantly has people say, Oh, I would have thought you were a much bigger company based on how clean and professional that proposal looked. So, uh, he said, definitely giving him a leg up in his, uh, you know, in his area using that proposal tool and all that stuff. Tools that it has in it.

You know, he, he mentioned leveraging, you know, the upgrade section and, and things like that. So, uh, you know, if you guys are not using that tool to its full capabilities, definitely check it out or get with your customer success person to kind of learn what else you can do with that, because that tool has become just so powerful in comparison to what it was when it first came out.

And, uh, you know, it's, it's great to see it.  

Nic: One of the cool things I'm just pulling it up right now. Is our implementation on. We always talk about it and brag about how good our implementation is. Number one, it's free. Number two, we built everything for you. But one of the things that we just released actually this week.

And this is for ongoing ones. And so anybody in the chat needs additional help with implementation. I saw a comment about it, about a section. I saw comments about building out different things. Just go to roofer. com slash implementation. You'll see here. Number one, we have weekly live education sessions.

So like this, but one person and we just kind of go through a product. On Mondays, we'll be going through CRMs. On Tuesdays, we'll be going through proposals. On Thursday. Wednesdays, we'll be going through, uh, invoice payments and material ordering. And that will be week over week. And we have live questions, live content, all that stuff there.

We'll be doing an in depth thing. So if you like learning in a group session like this, going back and forth, just register for those live sessions. And then also with the implementation, that never stops. Like we said, you can have an implementation if you've been here for four years and you're already fully implemented, but you want to add some stuff in, all you do is on that same page, just a little bit further down, fill out your information.

We're going to email you out a form. You update the things that you want to update. And our team is going to get right with you and start building that stuff out. So really, really cool things there with that aspect of it. Obviously we do have the Roofer Academy, our help articles, case studies, these masterclasses on demand and everything else.

But this is a huge thing that's going to make your life a lot easier. So highly recommend jumping in with our implementation team here and joining one of those sessions. I did one yesterday, by the way, Pete, and it was without you. And it's like the first time I've done it. I'm not saying like I missed you or anything, but I was dying.

It was an hour straight of talking and no interaction. I was like, yeah, I got a breath. So very  

Pete: different when you're flying solo, right?  

Nic: I didn't know how fast I was going. I feel like I was talking a mile a minute, but I didn't know,  

Pete: got a lot of information  

Nic: packed into an hour though. That's for sure.

Pete: Those are very cool. It's a great, great idea and a great option there to, uh, You know, to really dial in on something, if you have a specific question about a specific feature, you know, taking advantage of that is, uh, it's huge. And those guys are fantastic. That whole implementation team is a fantastic team and they do some incredible stuff.

So, and they know the products like unbelievably. Yeah. Like they're, they are  

Nic: cool too, is like their backgrounds. They're all over the place. They've all like helped out with different things, but like some of the people on that team as well, like you'll see Tala here in this picture. Tala worked for one of the.

North America's biggest roofing companies being an estimator. He knows probably more about roofing than I do, like, especially when it comes like to commercial industries and stuff. So like the people you have there don't only know the product inside out, but they know the industry, like the back of their hand as well.

So if you have ideas or suggestions, Pete's, you've called them roofer advisors in the past. Yeah. Use them, get that information. So they're going to be great for  

Pete: you. Yeah, they're an unlimited wealth of knowledge, so definitely take advantage of them. So let's jump in. Let's start jumping into some of these questions, Nick.

We got a, like I said, chat's been lighting up. So let's take advantage of that and get to some of this stuff. QuickBooks integration. Let's start there. QuickBooks integration is, I believe, beta is starting end of the month.  

Nic: Yeah, so we have, uh, so we've mentioned, uh, things that we're excited for. Q1 is insane for the amount of stuff that's coming out.

And like, not just like little stuff, there's some cool quality of life updates that are going to make your life so much easier that are coming out. But big things like our QuickBooks integration. I know a lot of people wanted it, but right now it is in like mini closed beta, but I think about five users getting like the first test to it, getting out the bugs and everything else.

And then by end of month, early next month, so early February, we'll be opening it to a larger closed beta. So you'll be seeing that by the end of the Q1, barring any unforeseen bugs that we're cleaning up and stuff like that, it should be out in wide release. So super exciting stuff there, Daniel. I know I'm freaking out about it because that's like the missing piece in my mind that we have because 90 percent of people use QuickBooks there.

So really excited for it.  

Pete: Yeah. Always everyone's asking about QuickBooks. So excited to have that one in the product. And I know that team is going to do a killer job with it. So, uh, excited to see that one. Jeff's got a question here about how do we get colors Into a proposal. Um, I just saw this in the Roofer Unlocked, right?

A Roofer Unlocked. So if you guys haven't joined that, right, that's a free plug, I think, right? Like we have a Facebook page called Roofer Unlocked. If you guys are not members of that was, I believe started by some of our users. Correct.  

Nic: Correct. Yeah. Yeah. So it's still run by them. We're just kind of admins in the background.

We kind of just make sure that the people joining are members of Roofr. And so we just do, we do our due diligence for the group and just do the background stuff. Before we get to the answer here. Did you talk just side conversation? Everyone close your ears. Pete, did you talk to Lane? Are we able to show the secret stuff?

Pete: Um, he said that they're in the works, so probably around March, that stuff will be due, but we could probably show.  

Nic: Because I haven't, I have a suggestion on this too, with this color selection. So color selection stuff is being worked on. We're going to have it out later on this year. We'll be able to actually select from the proposal and we'll map to other things like material orders and stuff as we go along.

But in the meantime, there's a couple of ways that I know that people are using it now. So for example, if you're going through here, the easy thing to say is when they're signing that product there, um, just make sure that they put it in the customer notes. You can have it there. One of my email templates in big bold letters actually says, Hey, make sure you put the color in there.

So for example, if I were to send this guy out. Of course, I picked one with no customer. Tom Brady. Um, there we go. Uh, if I were to email this one out, you'll see one of my templates actually has big bold letters saying, make sure you put the color below so you can add that in there. So that's one way. The other way is kind of building it in there and creating like some backups as well.

So you can have it built into your terms and conditions and have initials besides certain things to make sure that they can pick the colors that they want. But one of the cool things that is coming out in the meantime is our signatures product, and I know there's some questions later on about building stuff in, uh, into like a contract form and stuff.

That's what signatures is, and that's coming out later on this year, uh, this winter, probably around February, early March, late February, early March. But one of the cool parts about it is we can do check boxes. So hold on and figure out how to pull this over. I think I have to shrink this first. Oh,  

Pete: I  

Nic: saw for a second there.

Yeah. It was a sneak peek. Cause yeah, it flashed out. That's all you get. There's a tease. Everybody close your eyes. So we'll be able to create contracts. Now this won't be integrated in the proposals yet. This is again, a future thing, but because we have, uh, like dynamic fields to drag and drop into contracts, we'll also be able to kind of add in things like this.

So. Someone might be able to go in, click on the option that they want, sign it with the typing into it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sorry, guys. This is a prototype, so I'm not really great with it yet. So, and then they could add the date, add that in, and then they could hit complete. Could be a separate document in there.

This is a future thing, but I think the best case for now is making sure you put in your terms and conditions. As well as around here to add the colors.  

Pete: Yeah. And one thing to keep in mind too, is now that we're integrating with the supplier, like ABC, you know, you'll have the ability to bring over colors, uh, you know, here shortly as part of that too, in the catalog.

So that will help to be able to pick and choose colors on a proposal. Uh, and may facilitate that, that process a little bit as well.  

Nic: Yeah, super powerful stuff that we'll be able to have in there that can open things up. Um, one other thing I'll just bring over here. This little guy is really tricky to get.

Uh, yeah, you gotta hit like just right up there. Well, there's the thing I was going to show the ABC thing, but, uh, You know, if this guy doesn't let me do it, I can't do it. Yeah.  

Pete: So, uh, Maurice asked about creating the about us page. So I think Nick kind of touched on that. The best way to do that, Maurice, is to just reach out to our implementation team.

Um, you know, those guys that's their specialty and they can help you get that set up and, uh, you know, probably help build it for you, even if they get the right information and so take advantage of that. Um, what was that again? Nick Roofer. Roofr. com slash implementation, right? So go ahead and check that out, Maurice, and see what we can do to get you set up on that.

Um, Nick's got a question. Are we going to go with any other suppliers? Great question, Nick. Um, yes, the answer is yes. So the plan for this year is to, um, not only do the ABC integration, but eventually have integrations with others as well. Beacon. SRS. Those type of guys. Um, you know, so all your, all your big, all your big name players will probably be integrated here shortly.

Um, ABC, obviously the first one helping us work out the kinks. So get that all set up and then, uh, you'll see more here in the, in the future. So, um, so yeah, just stay tuned for that one. Stay tuned  

Nic: on the time to, to win quick nudge, nudge. But this is what the ABC one will look. It does look like right now is you could actually sync your prices in there.

It will show who it's supplied. Uh, the supplier is by having the links in there. Like Pete and I were saying, letting you know in your proposals if things are off. So if you're about to send something off and there's a new pricing update, it will let you know with the updated pricing. And then with the material ordering, be able to select the colours and everything from there as well.

So this stuff is coming out as we speak. Some of it is already out. So reach out to your implementation specialist for this if you're an ABC user. If you are Beacon and SRS, like I said, stay tuned. We'll be very soon.  

Pete: Ron's got a question here. Nick, uh, is there any way for us to earn credits towards measurements?

Nic: Great question. Um, no, but, um, you can earn money with the roofer. com affiliate. And then you can use that money to buy credits, which works out. If you're looking for like roof measurements, like roofer reports, can't buy those, but you can use the money to kind of pull in there. So if you're referring somebody, you can get up to, like we said, 350 bucks for that at roofer.

com slash affiliate. Um, super easy to sign up, uh, Ron. So just go through there. And then if you're looking for credit credits, when it comes down to like actual measurements, the good news is, is like it from a, if you're on one of the plans, those are discounted as well. So our DIY reports are going to be Lemme just pull up some options here.

Anywhere from $0 to $3 50 cents if you're on a plan, anything like satellite uploads, a drone and blueprints and stuff are gonna be zero. And then you can break it down from the, uh, the amount more that you build, uh, you buy rather, is the more of a discount you're gonna get. So, anywhere from $2 to $3 50 cents as you can see here.

So. Those are the DIY tool options there.  

Pete: Jeff's got a quick question about change orders and the ability to do a change order in the product. So I know this is something that's come up a lot recently. Uh, you know, as we are adding work orders and adding material ordering and all this stuff is, you know, when can I do a change order?

How can I do a change order? Um, I know that our signatures that you showed and document builder that are coming out later this year are going to be a good solution for that, but I think you probably already have. A solution, right, Nick, that you guys have worked  

Nic: around. Like, like when you're talking about building out a CRM, we keep on adding features.

We're listening to you guys, as you can see here. And then our suggestion channel that we talk about all the time, just continuously feeds the product team like Pete, just so that they can kind of understand, interview these, uh, our, our customers and get to know a little bit more. So we're always adding things, but the tool is so robust already that there's always kind of a way to figure out a workaround.

And this came up in Roofer Unlocked recently as well, uh, that, uh, a Facebook, uh, forum that we were talking about earlier and how do people do change orders? Now there's three ways of doing it. The easiest way, and we can definitely help you out with this, uh, change order, go to roofer. com slash implementation, ask them about it and we can help out.

But the change order here. It's a basic, easy thing to build out. So you can have the change order items already built in there. I would recommend upgrades. I always do, because it's nice to have, if you're changing plywood, why not do the attic venting as well? Uh, so like the baffles and stuff. Um, and then a quick change order notes where you could add them things and signatures.

And basically, so let's say hypothetically you're in a job, you got a one job, you've sold this job and you get up there and you've included two sheets of plywood. Uh, for everything, but you haven't included the six others that you just found. So while you're in the job, you can, you already have a one proposal.

You can create a secondary proposal here and I can quickly just click on change order on it. And now we have something built in here where I could send this out to the client, whether I'm in front of them with my iPad, I could turn it around or anything, but I can go in here and say, okay, for an extra layer, there was, uh, it was mapped across here.

So I have 1, 200 for the extra layer. And for the plywood, I have five extra pieces there for the, uh, baffle vents there, I'm going to say that if they want to do it, just to see. I had 25 baffle vents. We got to add in here. We got my margin built in and I'm ready to send this off. It's going to be a cover that you're really not going to have to change.

It's just going to say change order. I got a breakdown of what it is with the notes in it and everything here. Customer can select one or both of these and go on with it. And mark it off. And then they have to sign and date it. That's a super easy way of building this out. And when you send this off to the customer, easy peasy, or you can turn it around and sign it and get it done there.

Pete: Okay. I'm going to jump to the next question here while Nick figures out his audio. Um, can you guys hear me? Okay. Hopefully. Um, the next question here from Brett, are you guys building a scheduler in the CRM, uh, to make it easy to integrate customers to appointments? Um, the answer is yes. The team has talked about that.

Uh, the biggest question I think is just figuring out the best way to handle it. And so the team is currently exploring the best way to have that scheduler built in. But yes, the plan is later this year to add a scheduler or scheduling capabilities so that, uh, you guys can do that. The instant estimator does have the ability right now to connect a calendar link, so, or a calendar link.

So if you are, uh, want to connect a link to another calendar so that, uh, Uh, someone who's on the instant estimator could schedule an appointment with you. You can do that, uh, from there. So, um, but hopefully later this year, we'll have the ability to just attach it to our own calendar, potentially, uh, right in Roofer.

So Chandler, yes. Beacon, uh, definitely on the way. Jacqueline, same thing. Beacon is coming. Um, let's see,

we have a good question here. Um,

yeah, we still can't hear you, Nick. I'm not exactly sure. We, we lost you. We could see you. We can't hear you.

Let me jump up here. So John's got a question about the instant estimator. John, I'm not sure, you know, how much exposure you've had to the instant estimator, but, um, yes, a lot, a lot of evolution going on in the instant estimator as well. So you do have the ability now to, uh, change the questions in there to update the questions, uh, take questions out, uh, pick which questions you want in there.

Uh, I believe that they are adding the ability to create custom questions as well coming up here shortly. Um, so you will be able to, to modify that stuff, um, you know, to, to kind of customize it, to fit the way you want to do it. So if there's questions in there that you feel like don't apply, you can take them out.

I currently do that. And then next, Oh, I sounds like I can hear you now, Nick. Do you hear me now? I can hear you now. Yes.  

Nic: Okay. You know, old reboot that always  

Pete: does it. Yeah. Turn it back on. We were just talking about the instant estimator. Some questions here from John about customization, uh, taking questions out, adding questions in, and then potentially customizing questions.

Um, a great question here from him. He says, what did your company learn in 2024 that made you better in 2025?  

Nic: Oh my gosh. There's a bunch of things there. I, I, I learned, uh, number one, never to trust your tech on your computer while you're doing a masterclass. No, I'm kidding. Uh, but, uh, my Wi Fi is being fun today because it's minus 274 degrees outside right now, but, uh, a big thing that I learned, uh, Is kind of set good guidelines for when feature releases are coming out and stuff, because people really kind of take that to heart and it makes a big difference for them.

So want to be as accurate as possible with the information that we're sharing so that we're able to break that down and give them what, what they need there. You want to make sure that you're never kind of leading people astray and even give a buffer on the buffer. Just to make sure, because it's better to, you know, under promise and over deliver kind of deal.

Pete: Yeah, you know, I think one thing to note, and it's a great, uh, you know, a testament to the rest of our team behind Nick and I, is that our team is always learning, right? Our team does a very, very good job. Of taking a lot of time to, uh, interview customers and talk to customers and filter through suggestions that come in.

Uh, you know, we've mentioned it before, but we have a suggestions channel and we were just actually had a conversation about it earlier today of how to better even manage that to get feedback back to people, uh, in regards to their suggestions. So, um, you know, just know that internally we are always learning, uh, you know, a better way to do it, a better way to, uh, you know, make the product.

Even more lean and cleaner and more effective for you guys. So, uh, you know, I think that that's the biggest takeaway is that the team just does an incredible job of continuously learning, uh, from you guys, uh, in the suggestions that you make.  

Nic: And the  

Pete: speed to  

Nic: which they take those suggestions to heart and put it into action, like, you've worked at another tech tool in the past and the way how fast we get things out and get things out that are good and functional as well is impressive.

Like, we've talked to our friends that are on other competing tools and say that it's hard to keep up with you guys. Because of how fast it is. And that's a great testament to our product team and our engineers and everything else. So it's pretty exciting there. So,  

Pete: uh, Team does a very good job. Yeah. They manage, they manage all the expectations very well, and, uh, they're very good about prioritizing and, and really prioritizing.

Kicking stuff out pretty quickly. And, and the thing that I love about it is when they do kick this stuff out, it's, you know, it's very well thought out and it's very, it's done very well. So we don't have to go back to the drawing board very often. Uh, you know, the, a lot of testing goes into it and a lot of customer research.

So when the products do finally come out, they are, uh, you know, they are solid products and, you know, they don't really need a lot of tweaking. So, uh, so it's a big part of it. So, uh, he also asked, what's some new features that we can expect to see at IRE? It's a great question.  

Nic: Yeah, we will be able to show, uh, ABC, um, that sync, uh, may or may not be able to show some other supplier integrations, um, or at least the starting of it.

Uh, we'll have job costing that will be able to be, uh, uh, shown throughout that because that will be coming out in our open beta right before then as well. Hopefully we'll be able to show some of that signatures product, which is our document builder, building out contracts and stuff as well. Um, and then there's some other stuff like insurance fields and stuff like that that may or may not be ready for it.

But, uh, some big drops, oh yeah, and also, uh, uh, parts of QuickBooks as well because, uh, Obviously we need a QuickBooks account. We don't have one for me personally, so we'll have to show it through like a module. But we'll be able to show you kind of how that works and how the integration would make your team better as well.

Pete: Yeah. Brent asked a question about making Lowe's a supplier. Oh, yo Brent, what's going on?  

Nic: Um, great question. Uh, on the radar. So that's all we can kind of see. Say, uh, love Lowe's. They're great. If we're getting out SRS, who is owned by Home Depot, why not? Why not Lowe's? It takes some time though, Brent. Uh, things will be coming through as we go along, but we'll be able to hopefully give you some information this year about that.

Um, as you can imagine, big companies take big times, uh, uh, take a long time to make big things. Yeah. So that helps as well. Um, did you hit the question on the Roof Quote Pro?  

Pete: Yes. That's the one we were talking about, Instant Estimator. Yeah.  

Nic: Great. Yeah, great product, great tool, bunch of differences between it.

Um, but uh, really, um, one of the big things I will say is as much as I love that company and those people there, um, they're really awesome and I would consider them friends of our ours. Kind of strange to think of competitors as being friends, but pretty much are the biggest difference is. What you got tied with it, with the roofer, you got a lot tied with it.

But also they have a true instant quote, which is like two questions and go. Whereas we have the ability to price condition, price qualify, and what you'll see from that is you may or may not get, you will. I'm just trying to be nice to competition as well. You will get very, very high qualified leads. Uh, because you'll be able to see what they're interested in, what they're not in.

And like Pete said, you can kind of customize those questions.  

Pete: Yeah. We got a good question here from Nick about taking deposits. And I think Matt Radford just posted a video about this, didn't he?  

Nic: Yeah. So when you're sending out, uh, your invoices, you can collect that 30 percent down. You just click on a button and say how much you want, 30%, 10%, whatever, and send that out and take that portion of the, of the, uh, payment.

And then send the payments for the rest. If you have different payment structures, that being said though, in the future, this year, um, I can't remember exactly what quarter it is, but we will have some payment scheduling options in Roofer payments as well to kind of set you guys up for success. So. Being able to apply to the full job.

So even now, though, Nick, if you do accept that payment, it will show how much has been paid and how much is owing in your invoices. So set some time with your implementation team because they'll show you how easy it is to do that and how much of a difference it works for the customer and ultimately you making sure that you're getting paid.

Pete: Yeah. Now that kind of rolls into the next question here by, uh, Jesse, who says, who can run me through the potential of roofer? He feels like he's only using it at surface level. Um, you know, either an implementation person or, uh, you know, everybody has an account manager, uh, customer success manager that works with them that, uh, you know, is responsible for their account.

Uh, if you don't know who that person is, you can always reach out to Nick and I, we can point you in the right direction. And, uh, get you hooked up with that person and they can run you through and help you, uh, you know, get trained up and see what the potential is there for you guys to use the product.

Nic: Yeah, that roofer. com slash implementation, Jesse, that's if you are a, on a paid plan. If you're on Pro, Premium or Elite, that will help you out. If not, go into your Roofer profile. There's a little chat button at the bottom right hand side. Click on it and say, Who's my account manager? If you don't have one assigned to you, we will get someone and we'll be able to help you out and get you through a demo, show you what's available.

Pete: Yeah, let's talk about Alex's question. This is great because I think it's kind of showcasing all of the Departments we have here at Roofer and how they can effectively help you, right? So Alex's question is what happens if you order a report and it comes back that we measured potentially measured the wrong house I mean it has happened.

It does happen, you know for a number of reasons and what can we do Nick if That happens if we have an issue with a report of any kind.  

Nic: Yeah, that's what's so good about our, our support team. We call them the happiness heroes, literally in their signature. So, um, right away, just send a message to us in the chat.

Um, really cool stats about how quickly and how important we take support. First reply on our chat is under two minutes. First reply on emails is under eight minutes and first reply on phone calls is usually around 20 seconds. If we don't answer it, we call back within an hour. So call us up, chat with us, whatever you need, and we'll take a look at that.

If the house is just always make sure you're pinning the right house, uh, because Google is right 99. 9 percent of the time, but it could be down the street, so just do the due diligence there. That being said, if you do, we will credit you and get that ordered next, but that'd be very quickly for you as well.

So we will credit you for that report and get everything up and running and back to you very, very quickly.  

Pete: Yeah. Our support team is fantastic. So, uh, they can definitely help you out with that kind of stuff. And like, like Nick said, very quickly, they're very timely there. Um, Jesse said, will the integration with suppliers include their catalog?

Yes, Jesse. That's, uh, you know, one of the big things with that whole supplier integration is that we're going to be able to bring your specific catalog and your specific pricing in. So you'll have your line items that you normally order. You'll have your specific pricing attached to those line items.

And like Nick said, um, You know, the integration will allow you to have live pricing. So the pricing will update and you will not have to worry about price changes and things like that, uh, moving forward. Cause you'll have all of that built right into, uh, the catalog there. So stay tuned for all of that stuff.


Nic: Jacqueline asked a question on the roofer measurement is incorrect. If that's the case. Um,  

Pete: yeah,  

Nic: this is a big thing for me. Um, my dad, I've talked about him a lot in, in these, my dad's been roofing for 30 years in business. Now is his 31st. Um, and he's old school. He uses our measurements though, and everything.

And I tell him, I'm like, double check everything because ultimately you have to understand whether it's us, whether it's one of the competition that does measurements, we're doing them from aerial views. So when you're looking straight down on a roof, you might be missing a skirt. You could be missing a bay window.

9. 6, percent of the time to give the exact accuracy of our reports in the last quarter. It's going to be perfectly fine and bang on, but you do want to make sure ultimately it's your money at the end of the day. That job is your profitability. So always double check the stuff. Always do a quick look on everything.

I know that sometimes it's like, oh, it's kind of annoying. I have to check, but If I'm putting my money down on a job, I want to make sure that it's right. So if you think that it's innate, you can always edit our reports. If you want to add or take away that shed in the back, you can edit our reports as well.

We give you the freedom and the flexibility of it. And you could also reach out to that support team. So we're always here to help out with any of that information, but just always do any, whether you're using us or the competition, make sure you're checking your reports.  

Pete: Uh, question about how much extra does it cost for the supplier integration?

Nic: Boom.  

Pete: Zero zero. Yep. So supplier integration is going to be something that's just part of our subscription and, uh, you'll be able to just take advantage of that here as soon as it goes live. So like we said, I think we got some beta users just cleaning it up for us now. And then, uh, that'll be out for everybody to take advantage of.

Um, any recommendations for increasing sales using Roofr?  

Nic: Oh, Jesus. It's a great question. It really comes down if you want chat with your account manager on this too, because they're going to have some ideas and stuff. It comes down to maybe your location, what you're offering and kind of are you retail, are you insurance, residential or commercial.

But I really like to do things about around referrals. Um, and Pete, you said this in the past that your lowest cost for acquisition is a referral customer. So you're able to really kind of open that up and dial it in. So when you're going out to a house and you're quoting it and say you got the job, then what you can do is, we call it a six pack.

You're not canvassing, you're scouting. So you're going to go knock on the two houses neighbors and three across the street and say, Hey, I'm doing the roof across the street. If you do see any bags flowing around or any dirt or any noise, please give me a call. Here's my information. By the way, I see there's some damage on your roof as well.

Looking a little bit tired. If you do want to quote, let me know. Really kind of provide that education, that transparency and really open that up there and start helping out. From a small area and like Pete says, become your neighborhood roofer, join the commerce, join the community, all that stuff there, be that person who's out there helping, and that's going to help you transition into good reviews, good sales, and kind of bolster that.

And last but not least, Don't waste your time. Be speed to lead obsessed there, making sure that it's going forward. So getting those quotes out quickly to the customer, making sure that those quotes are concise, beautiful, well presented, follow up with them, be good with communications. All things are CRM can help out with, by the way, and make sure that you're on top of that stuff.

People feed off a good communication and I guarantee you nine out of 10 of your competition does not do that. So. Take advantage of that and separate yourself.  

Pete: Yeah. The contractor I talked to you earlier today said that he came to roof con and talked to us at roof con and we introduced him to the instant estimator.

Um, and that the instant estimator has been a game changer for him. He said they simply just put their QR code on some business cards, started handing it out and that it changed the game for them. And, uh, you know, one of the things is, and like I told him, you know, as you can be super creative with that instant estimator, QR code.

Um, you know, there's just so many things that you can do with it. We've seen people put it everywhere, right? Nick grocery store receipts. I think I saw a guy with it on the side of his boat once. I mean, it goes, they put it everywhere and it's just such a valuable tool and it really just starts, it's that top of that funnel, right?

So, uh, it's a great way to start feeding some extra leads into the system and. Uh, you know, like you can, you can leverage it everywhere, you know, on your side of your trucks, on your yard signs, you know, all over. And, uh, you know, it works great for, yeah, business cards and it works great. Especially like, uh, like Nick was saying for the referrals, you know, like if you have the ability to send that link over and say, Hey, just, if you have a referral, send them over to my instant estimator.

Right. And so it's a great way to, to get them in the funnel there. So.  

Nic: Another one that's super underrated that has a negative connotation with it just because of traditionally if you didn't have an instant estimator type tool, it was kind of a time suck, is partnering with every single realtor and property manager in your neighborhood, in your city.

They always need quotes. They might not always need formal quotes, But they'll need formal quotes at one point. So if you provide them with a postcard, a business card that they keep in with a QR code that they can scan and get quotes instantly around the clock, and you just tell them right when it's formal, formal in the final box, if it's not, then I won't bug you.

You're, they're going to tell all your friends and all their friends, all their family, all their colleagues, and you're going to be getting a ton of leads that you can, you know, disqualify a bunch of them. trusting you on the big ones. So it's a really easy way, low risk, just go there to one of their offices, bring a Box of donuts and your card and just be like, Hey guys, this is me.

I'm Jesus. I'm here to help out with any of these, uh, situations that you might have. By the way, this thing here is going to get you close within 30 seconds or less. So anytime it's formal, just write formal. Everything else just, I won't bug you.  

Pete: Brent's got a question here. Uh, is there a spot to put our badges for certifications, i.

e. master, elite, et cetera, on our proposals? My suggestion would probably be the about us page, right, Nick?  

Nic: I was just going to say that. Yeah. About us page or any kind of PDFs. If you, uh, watch a previous master class we did with Corey Combs, he has that built into some of his PDF pages as they go along, along with the COI and everything else in there.

So you can put that directly on there. That about us section that we, uh, present. My dad has his, you know, his certifications on there as well. And those badges, so they can show off. So you sell it on you before you sell on the product. So sell your company before you sell the product and add that at the top of your proposals.

It's a really nice touch and it's always a topic conversation.  

Pete: Yeah. We had a couple of questions come in, uh, via the form prior. Uh, so one of them was, is there a way to automatically turn your instant estimator into a quote? If you're fine with the price, uh, this guide has been great. Um, this person does specifically does roof rejuvenation.

Uh, you know, so their pricing is pretty spot on coming right off the instant estimator. And they're wondering if they could just roll that right into a full blown quote. So, uh, what do you think?  

Nic: That's a really good option. A really good suggestion. We actually shared it with the team before this as well.

So that's a, that's a cool option there. What I would suggest is, uh, Number one, you got my email at the top of it, nick at roofer. com and ic at roofer. com. Send me a line and I can tell you my parents do rejuvenation as well. I could tell you how they do it quickly and accurately and be able to shoot that out and give you some examples.

My suggestion is through the DIY, taking that measurement. Drawing a box, slapping a pitch. You're going to get a very similar measurement and then it will convert directly into a proposal right off the bat there. So also you'll be charged either 0 or 2 for the measurement instead of 12. So, uh, good option there for you.

Pete: Hey, Sue says a great question here. Uh, you know, lots of guys starting to use emails and texting through the product. He says, how can I see the emails that I sent through the roofer? Sometimes I like to check and see what I sent to the customer. So, uh, he's looking at us for historic emails on a job, maybe that it was even a past job.

Nic: Yeah, in the side section there of it, if my computer did not hate me with my Wi Fi, I would share my screen right now. But if you're in your job card on your right hand side, you'll be able to see all your communication. Now that's only outbound right now. What you're probably going to want is an inbound outbound kind of flow, like our text does.

Our text will show reply and sending. And what we'll be able to do very soon with the integration with Gmail, is show you exactly that. That's coming around Q2. But in the meantime, being able to see what you sent out, will show directly on that right hand side underneath the, uh, system updates and everything there.

So every email you send is directly through there.  

Pete: Yeah, it's a great way to kind of keep track of, especially if you have multiple people in the organization potentially communicating with a customer, you can kind of keep track of everything that's been sent, uh, that customer's direction, whether it be email, text, or, you know, even some internal notes about it.

So Keep an eye on that. Um, quick question here, Nick, someone wants to know who's the better golfer.  

Nic: Who wrote that? I don't know. Does it just show up? Between me and you or me and Richie? Yeah, it says,  

Pete: who's the better golfer, Nick or Pete?  

Nic: Oh, I'm, uh, like famously. Famously a horrible golfer. I wouldn't say horrible horrible, but like I'm like right around the hundred Um, I have a hook that could knock Mike Tyson out like it just every time I shoot It goes right.

So yeah, I have a  

Pete: slice that looks like, uh, my balls of magnet for the trees. So yeah, if I, my Kentucky,  

Nic: we're going to just go and film it  

Pete: and just put it online, the extent of my golfing, uh, consists of our, uh, top golf events. When I go, when we go to, uh, IRE and roof con and those types of things. So outside of that, I don't do much golfing.

I'm horribly bad at it. So, uh, Bill asked if we could elaborate a little bit on the Gmail integration. Um, we'll be able to send emails from within Roofr. Yes, you can currently send emails from within Roofr, uh, Bill. Um, the goal with the Gmail integration is to help, um, you know, bring those two together so that you're not having to manage two inboxes, uh, having some visibility of both and, and having the ability to, to link those together so that it's a little bit easier to, um.

You know, keep track of the emails. I know we, we did a similar situation at my past, uh, CRM where we, uh, had an internal email system and, uh, we often got complaints about now I have, you know, my, uh, company email, my info ad is in my Gmail. And so I have to monitor that separate of my CRM's email and it's confusing and cumbersome.

Uh, so we're going to. You know, uh, use that integration to streamline that process a bit for you.  

Nic: Oh my God, it's working. Okay, cool. So here's the job card, uh, Bill, you can click on this here on the email and you can, you send it like a, from scratch one or use one of the templates. So those two options are available for you right now.

That this is all the sending out emails. So I can see all of them as we go along. But if, uh, once we have the Gmail integration, you'll see the replies as well.  

Pete: Yeah. Question from Andrew. Is it only going to be Gmail? Initially? Yes. Uh, I would assume that that will then warrant some other, uh, potential email services, but, uh, to start with, it'll be just the Gmail integration.


Nic: Just like the calendar. It's going to start out with Gmail, Gcal. Uh, those are the most popular ones. So we're going to get knock those out and then Probably looking to like Outlook secondly and stuff.  

Pete: Yeah. Diego asked a question here about the capabilities to communicate with your production crew.

So I think that's a good parlay in your work orders coming out.  

Nic: Yeah. So we have work orders in an open beta right now, which is really cool. So now for once you can actually start creating crews in Roofr and having those in there. So when you're going through the process and you're sending out everything from the job card, The next step could be sending out that work order.

That work order is really simple with one click you can create a work order so it will map all the things that were selected by the customer in the one proposal or from a material order and you can send that out and attach photos to that work order directly to your crew. that you select in there as well.

Any instructions, the amounts and stuff. Now, we will have more advanced sub crew conversations and communication going on in the future, but this is the first step towards it, where you can match that work order, send it out to the team, and they don't have access to your CRM, so they don't need to have a user or anything else, but it will go out to them very similar to our proposal as a live document where they could download, view, view again, and everything else in there as well.

Pete: Yeah. Lots of great stuff coming out. Uh, as we wrap up here, um, I'm sure we could talk about stuff all day. Lots of questions. I think, um, one thing that Nick showed, you know, definitely take advantage of the fact that we're doing those, uh, weekly meetings with the implementation team. Now there'll be another opportunity, you know, to ask some questions if you guys have specific questions about specific features.

So take advantage of that, but lots of good stuff today. Thanks, everybody. We really appreciate everybody that joined us and, uh, was able to, uh, drop some stuff in the chat there. So lots of great questions about some of the upcoming features and, uh, you know, just some of the stuff we have going on. And like Nick said, you know, if you ever have questions about any of this stuff, or just not sure what the right person to talk to is, you can always hit up.

Nick and I were probably the easiest email addresses to remember in the entire company. Nick and I see at Roofer and I'm Pete P E T E at Roofer. So super simple to remember and get in touch with us. And then we can always, uh, you know, either answer any questions or point you in the right direction of who you need to talk to.

So, um, thank you everybody for joining us. And, uh, you know, great job, Nick, good recovery there on the, uh, Uh, technical issues.  

Nic: Sometimes you just got to shut stuff down and restart it up. Like as soon as it started lagging, it shut off my mic. And I was like, I don't even know how that's a thing. So yeah, I just closed out.

Pete: Yeah. Well, awesome guys. Thank you so much for jumping on. And, uh, you know, we do these on a bi weekly basis. So be sure to join us throughout the year on these masterclasses. They're a great way to learn more. Uh, different stuff. And, uh, and also check out that help section on our website. Always the, the past masterclasses, the past podcast, um, you know, take advantage of all those things and, and jump on there and learn as much as you can about the program.

And, um, like I said, we're always available. So hit us up anytime. Thank you guys. And hopefully we'll see everybody soon at, uh, IRE, right, Nick? That'll be the next big one.  

Nic: Super excited. Nick and I will both  

Pete: be there. So you guys want to, you guys want to come by and say hi with Nick and I will both be at IRE this year.

So back to San Antonio. All right, guys. Thank you so much. Have a great day. Yeah.

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