Building Trust: Using Social Proof to Increase Close Rates

In this webinar, Steve and Pete will show you how to use technology to run your business more efficiently and meet the demands of today’s buyers. They’ll cover actionable steps to streamline your operations and improve customer satisfaction with modern tools. You'll also learn how to leverage social proof and customer reviews to set your business apart from the competition.

You'll get tangible strategies for building trust and credibility using social proof. Discover how to effectively use reviews to attract and keep clients. Plus, they'll show you how Roofr and Project Map It solutions can help you implement these strategies to stay ahead in a competitive market. Don't miss out on these actionable insights to amplify your business success!

Published on
August 30, 2024
Important Note: Any pricing information related to Roofr products or subscriptions may be outdated. Please check our pricing page for up to date information.


Hey everybody. Hey everybody. Welcome back. Uh, I am Pete McKendrick with Roofer and I am joined today by Steve Spence from Project Mappet and, uh, excited to, to have Steve on here. Uh, a topic that I've seen him present on at RoofCon and I've, uh, also seen it a couple of times. Uh, via video, you know, from CertainTeed events and, and some other places, but, um, super excited to have you on today, Steve.

Um, glad you could, could jump on with us and, uh, we'll run through, uh, social proof, right? This is a big one. Social proof. Thanks for having, you know, we, yeah, we often talk about, you know, on our webinars and masterclasses, Nick and I usually dive into, you know, being the, the neighborhood roofer, being that guy, how do you become that guy in your community?

What are some things you can do? And, uh, you know, it's, it used to be that, you know, we got referrals from, you know, talking to our neighbors at the grocery store or something like that. And now. This is how you do it, right? Like social proof is where it's at. You know, like if I'm looking for someone, the odds are, this is the first place I'm going is, you know, to Facebook to ask if anybody knows of somebody, um, you know, I'm probably, if I do find a name, I'm looking at their reviews through Google and things like that.

So, you know, social proof has become probably the number one factor. Uh, and I know people, you know, Amanda V not from Maven. I know she's a customer of yours. She's a customer of ours, um, built an entire company around, you know, using social and being able to, uh, to leverage that, to, to gain business. So, um, so a lot of, uh, you know, it holds a lot of weight now in the way you do business right now.

Yeah. By buyers have changed, right? Like the way we used to sell to the buyers 10 years ago is totally different than the way it looks like now. Yeah, absolutely. You know, I think the buyer is. More educated now than they've ever been because they have the information at their fingertips, right? It's very easy for me to go research your company and to research your reviews.

And, uh, you know, to get the low down on you, you know, like we say that, you know, the, the trust building and the relationship building has started long before, uh, they've made a phone call to you, right? Like, um, you know, I think Brad, Brad acres said once, uh, the most important part of your website is the about us page now, right?

Because they're going on there and they're learning who you are. You know, who your team is, uh, you know, focus on that piece, you know, make sure that they have a good understanding of who they're working with. Um, you know, we just, uh, did a, you know, did some conversations with a contractor that had probably the best about us page ever told a, an incredible story about his company and about how him and his wife met and how they had a friend and together they started this business and it was just an incredible story and the way they laid it out was, was really great.

And, uh, It just made you feel like you wanted to work with them right away. Like you, you felt comfortable with them. You felt like you knew their background, like you were excited to kind of get to know these people and, uh, you know, things like that are just making a huge difference in how we select a company nowadays.

I mean, having the human connection before the sales reps from all the roofing companies of people that are watching right now, or might later, uh, that human connection before you even knock on that door is a huge piece. And then building those relationships through social proof and through storytelling, like you just said, and the use of technology like roofers, proposals, and project map it and things like that go a long way.

You know, and it's funny because I think it's one of the few industries where People still buy people, right? Like you're still, I'm still buying the person, right? That's selling me. I'm buying that trust. I'm buying that relationship. You know, it's not like I'm just coldly buying a product off of Amazon.

You know, this is my house, you know, so I'm looking for somebody that I trust. So it's a lot different now. Um, you know, that it used to be, I would say in the, in the approach, but ultimately at the end of the day, it's still fairly old school in the way that we do business, you know, and. So yeah, very, well, let's dive into it, Steve.

I mean, you've got, I know you've got a, I know you've got a, uh, really fancy presentation here for us. So I don't want to hold you up. Shall I share my screen? Yeah. I don't want to steal your, steal your time here. So let's dive into it. Steal my time. Can you see my presentation? First of all, I can. Yes, I can.

Yeah. So first of all, huge shout out to Roofr. I really appreciate Mao. You are awesome for those that don't know Mao and probably everybody does. And Pete's a good friend of mine. We've, I've known Pete for six years now. One of the first guys I ever met in the industry. So really love the relationship that we have with Roofr.

We do have some things where we've collaborated and we have, you know, the instant estimator working with our system. Uh, we can put, you know, A page in your roofer proposals as you're doing that storytelling that Pete talked about. So we're going to hit on that. I know that we have people from Project Mappin on here.

I know that we have a lot of people From Roofr on here. So I'd always encourage you to ask questions in the chat box. I'm looking this way at my screen where I can see the chat and Pete, uh, is going to be monitoring that as well. But if you're a project MAPIT user and you can throw in some success stories from your company and give the Roofr people, uh, you know, a bit of success.

That would be great. And on the flip side, Roofr, if you can, if you have all the contractors out there using Roofr in one way or another, or all the ways, be, be sure to put something in the chat about how Roofr has helped. You know, evolve your, your company and made your life a lot easier. So please share everybody.

This is a friendly atmosphere here. Again, Pete and I've been together and been friends for a long time. For those that don't know Pete's wife works for project mapping. So, uh, I hope the move was good, Pete, and you're in Kentucky now. I can't wait to see you. Killing us here, but I'm getting used to that.

Yeah, we're getting used to the environment here. Obviously a change, but, but overall, yes, good. I love it. I love it. All right. Let's get started. So you have this arrow here and here's the deal. Everybody that's watching this. I want you to hopefully take away a couple of golden nuggets from this, whether you decide to like use project map it, or if you're, if you're not a roofer.

Person you decide to use, decide not to use whatever the case, hopefully you get something out of this. This is more about being educational and providing some experiences that Pete and I've had that hopefully might lend itself to you. And, and an aha moment is what I would call it. This, this arrow pointing, right?

It's all these people following the crowd and that's what social proof is. Right. Um, just about me in 30 seconds or less, I was a teacher for 20 years, 20 years as a special educator. I live in Maryland. I'm a big lacrosse guy here. I am one of the owners of five owners here. I'm the only owner that actually works at project map at full time.

Uh, so I, I'd like to say it's my baby. So if you ever have any questions, Ronnie from Kentucky, what's up, Ronnie? Um, please, uh, please know that, you know, I'm your guy. You can ask me anything and we have a great team. Uh, I, I always jokingly tease about this. I know. I know a little about a lot of things when it comes to sales and marketing.

And part of that reason is because our product lives on a website. So marketing wise, we have marketing agencies that we partner with consistently. Uh, so I know a lot about websites. I know a little bit enough about SEO. Um, I will say this about our tool. We are a tool that's a great sales tool, and you're going to learn that, right?

Social proof is about, well, we're going to talk about what social proof is in a minute, but we do have a little SEO component, but I don't want you ever to focus on that. I want you to focus on the fact that we're great sales tool. Uh, and then sales, of course, I talk to contractors all the time. We have our pulse on all of our contractors.

By all means, if someone from project map is here, let them know how good our customer success, uh, managers are and stuff like that. We're here to, we're here to train you up and make sure that you're You're being taken care of. And that mustache, just so everybody knows, took me like five months to grow. I tried to grow it back.

I tried to grow it in a couple of weeks, Pete, for this webinar, but it just didn't work as you all can tell didn't get there. So, so social proof. And just the first thing is the psyche of the buyer, right? Obviously there are different markets, but more and more, right. You all are presenting to digital natives back in 2020 is when this, this study Millennials are making up 43 percent of the home buying process, right?

So more millennials are buying more fixer uppers cause they're not able to afford a brand new house. Most of them, sure. Some of them can. Uh, so 43 percent of those people that you're presenting to are people that grew up with, with digital devices in their hand, right? I was a teacher for 20 years. The way I taught in 2000, Six was definitely a different way than I taught in 2010, um, 2015, I should say.

So, thinking about that, uh, this is one of my favorite stats, you're going to hear me talk about it later, is that 57 percent of that home buying power, that process, uh, like these people in this picture, they've already made up their mind 57 percent of the way before you even go and knock on that door and provide that free roof estimate.

Okay. That inspection. So what are you doing before your sales consultants go out to that home to provide that inspection? And then the last one is just the idea that because millennials are buying fixer uppers or people that buy fixer uppers, you know, 45 percent of, of those are, are looking for roof installation right away.

So just thinking of those stats and just how the buyer has changed, the expectation has changed, right? The younger people are expecting maybe a really good roofer proposal that is going to tell the company story. Um, looking at digital devices that might help tell the story so that you can build trust.

Um, yeah, I saw, I saw a stat along these lines. See, that's, that said 41 percent of millennials would actually prefer a contact list, a salesman list. sales process. So they would prefer to do all the research themselves and make a decision rather than talk to a salesman. So something to keep in mind, like you said, along the lines of that stat of, you know, they're doing 50 percent of the sales process is done before you've even had an appointment with them.

So it's, uh, you know, definitely changed the way we approach this. Correct. Social proof defined. Just if you're a roofing company, an exterior remodeling company, right? You want to show a homeowner. That other customers that you've already provided services for trust and love you. These are our experiences.

And so if you're going to a prospect's home or who knows, maybe you're even doing online demos or consultations. Now, um, you want that homeowner to have that trust in you. And so leveraging social proof, and we're going to go over components of social proof will help that homeowner trust you and use your services over your competitors, because let's face it, everybody is competing against everybody.

Okay. Um, so let's talk about two factors of social proof that really our product doesn't necessarily handle, but they're important certifications, right? 84%. And I'm going to ask Mal and the team at Roofer to share this deck with everybody that signed up. You can click on any of these plus signs, but 84 percent of the people trust companies when they have visible awards, right?

I'm a GF presidential award winner. I'm a select shingle master. Whatever that award is. So showcasing your rewards and your gains is a good thing, obviously. Social media, I think everybody knows this. Social media is important. It's one of the hardest things. I pay a guy 1, 500 bucks a month to do videos and post on our socials because I can't do it very well.

Um, but 54 percent of people are using social media to research you. Kind of like Pete was saying, those millennials or even my mom, they're looking online and they're looking at Facebook. My mom knows how to use Facebook. No other, no other socials, but um, we need to start. Leveraging your socials to show a homeowner that A, you're an expert in the field.

B, people love you throwing reviews up there and stuff like that. All right, so now let's talk about the real bread and butter reviews and visuals for me is a big piece of my presentation and how you can earn business and beat out your competitors by leveraging these two things. The first thing is 31%.

So you'll see a little pulse there. You can click on, it's going to open something up. Customers are likely to spend 31 percent more in a business with excellent reviews. So think about this. I just got a new HVAC unit. And the first thing I did was I went online and I went Arnold, Maryland, HVAC companies, and I had two companies that show well, three, right?

The fearless three pack that we all talk about and Google business profiles, but one had 500 reviews. One had 40 reviews. Which one, which one did I call first? And which one did I pick? Right. I picked the one with 500 reviews. Now. If I got two estimates and again, you all know your sales consultants are walking to that door and providing that inspection.

And when they're sitting at the table, if you do that, that homeowner is trying to leverage the fact that whether or not they even got another estimate, they're saying, Hey man, this company said that they were going to spend 3, 000 less. They bid at 3000 bucks less on the quote. Well, If you have great reviews and you can leverage social proof, they're still going to go with you.

Who's 3, 000 more. Cause let's face it, right? That company that's that did it 3000 less, they're using inferior material building products, right? To put it on your roof, you're using the best. Um, their craftsmanship might be shoddy. So they're going to be fixing that homeowners fixing that roof five years down the road anyway, because they installed it incorrectly.

So you proving your worth through a reviews that homeowner is still going to pick you. This is a big one. I like. Video testimonials and reviews increase consumer trust by 57%. And then the last one is just the idea that 70 percent this is kind of going away. I've presented a lot to a lot of contractors over last year.

Some contractors, even a year and a half ago, I'd ask the question and I'd say, how many like to ask for reviews or don't like to ask for reviews? Cause they feel kind of slimy. Nobody raises their hand anymore. All of you seem to be understanding the fact that You can ask for a review because let's face it, millennials, digital natives, just the way our world's gone, people are expecting you to ask for a review.

So they're just waiting when the job is done. Like, Hey, that HVAC company that installed something in my house, they never asked for a review. I was like, what the hell? Dude, you should have asked for a review. I was going to, I would have given you a review. Now I gave him a review on my own, but not many people are doing that, right?

You've got to ask for the review. Okay. Social proof equals more money, more people. You get found online more with more reviews and all that kind of stuff. Um, these are different review platforms. I'm not, I'm not only going to talk about ours. You know, podium is a good one broadly, guild quality. But these are things that you want to, you want to constantly think about.

Make reviews important. I didn't make reviews important. One of our competitors had like 80 reviews and at the time we had 30. And I started going, me being a competitive guy, right? Coach for 25 years in lacrosse world. Uh, I started getting competitive and I started telling our team like, Hey, when we're done onboarding a company, let's, let's ask for a review.

We are now at 122 perfect five star and we're beating that competitor. So I'm happy about that. So you just got to make it important. This is our review platform. I'm not going to dive deep into it, but we, you can build a landing page and project map it. So on the backend that gives multiple reviews. So you got Google, Facebook, better business bureau.

So those links will take you right to better business bureau, Angie, whatever house doesn't matter, thumbtack. And then we actually have the ability to put your social media platforms on there too. So follow us on your socials. Right? We combine this with a company that we're partnered with called TapTag, and you can order TapTags through our system.

Now you can ask for that review as soon as that job is, that install is complete. So we do have a review platform that will get you instant reviews right there when the job's done. But let's talk about the important thing, which is reviews in general. Okay? Reviews help with search engine optimization.

Okay, so let's talk about how this review, and you can put it in the chat if you want, I can pause for like 30 seconds to a minute, but you have this bad review right from this homeowner, and then this is the review response from the company, there's something wrong or some things wrong in this response that could hurt.

Your search engine optimization. I was a teacher for 20 years. So I'm going to give a 32nd awkward pause and see if anybody puts what they think it is in the chat.


So that's not what I wanted in the chat. If everybody's looking, but to answer it while we're waiting for others, we certainly have commercial roofing companies, right? You're, you're constantly getting bids here. I'll give you a prime example. We onboarded a commercial roofing company in, on a Thursday and on Monday, I got an email back that said, Hey, because of Project Map It, we sold a commercial roof for 18, 000.

There was a property manager that emailed this roofing company and said, Hey, do you have any referrals or any examples that we can see? Our mapping system, there's a link that you can send in an email directly to your map. So, uh, The owner of the roofing company sent the link to the map. We didn't have any reviews on there, no pictures, anything.

It was just pins on a map. The lady wrote back, the property manager wrote back in 15 minutes or five minutes, something like that. Hey, we're going to use you. This map is awesome. So commercial roofing companies, definitely. And if we have time at the end, I can show you an example of one. There's one in Ohio that I know does a really nice job.

Okay. Let's talk about this response. Pete, do you know what, got any ideas? Yeah, it probably wouldn't be the way I would write it, but, um, I'll put you on the spot. No, I mean, I'm sure there's a couple of things in here that probably could have been worded differently, uh, based on what I read. But so you never want to be argumentative.

You want to respond to, we all know that like you fire an employee and next thing you know, his girlfriend or, or her boyfriend or whatever, there's their significant other sends a response in Google. I just had that the other day. Somebody talked about him and. And they write a battery, uh, battery view.

Well, in this one specifically, I want you to understand just SEO 101. Getting reviews is very important consistently, right? Like you'd rather get like one review a week than 40 reviews in one week and not another review for another four months. You want to have consistently getting reviews. And what Google likes the most, the search engine that crawl all your company's data is they're looking for the written.

Component. So all these words that are talking about your company really help with Google crawling all these words, and then you get found online better. Okay? But when you have a one star review and in your response, you're putting Steve's roofing company once, not only once, but down here as well, Steve's roofing company, don't put employee's names, don't put your company name.

In the response to a negative review. Cause what happens is Google is, is crawling your data and Google sees one star review and Steve's roofing company in your own response. Okay. So be careful what you do in your response, respond to it. Um, make it short and sweet, you know, offer, Hey, give us a call. Uh, one thing about negative reviews, shouldn't be asking to take reviews off.

If that's a question. So here's, here's an answer. Google does not mind negative reviews. I just said, I have 122 five star reviews. Google might look at project mapping and be like, ah, they're full of crap. They're getting people to write those reviews. There's no way project mapping has a straight five stars.

Right? So. Google, when they see a one star review or a two star, a three star, right? A negative ish review, it actually shows Google that you're an authentic and a real company because nobody's perfect and Google algorithms understand that. So getting a negative review is actually not a bad thing. It actually can help your SEO.

It's how you respond to it that may make a difference. So, let's talk about just SEO and reviews. So, get reviews consistently. That's not really pertaining to the header, so I apologize. But getting reviews consistently is important. Replying to those reviews are important. You're welcome. Good job. Thank you, Ty.

Um, replying to your reviews are important because Google wants a company to reply to reviews and do it expeditiously, like, like right away, as soon as possible, include key include keywords. Hey, we just, you know, we love putting that GF Timberline HDZ charcoal black roof on your, on your house, roof replacement, you know, glad you were able to find a roofer near me, you know, like, Ask your marketing company.

They'll tell you the keywords, but infuse those keywords into your responses. Uh, one thing that we do is, you know, asking the homeowner, Hey, can you put an employee's name that you felt did a really nice job into the, into your review? Because Google will look at a review that a homeowner gives you and see like, Oh, Pete McKendrick was the sales rep.

And Google likes to see that because again, it shows that you're a real company. It shows that that homeowner really knew who Pete McKendrick and Pete's roofing company was. Um, don't mention business info when responding to a negative review. We talked about that. So other elements of social proof. These three things all pertain to roofer proposals.

Also project map it. That's why it's on this slide. Okay. The first thing are our map embeds onto a website, right? So 95 percent of the first impression are related to your website design. So Pete already said it, like company had this amazing about us page. Somebody went to it. It's the first thing they saw.

And they were like, within five seconds, they're like, Holy crap. That's this company is the real deal. They're awesome. Right? Like you do community service. I talked to contractors. They're like, man, I don't want to talk about the fact that we, you know, We raise money for Alzheimer's and stuff like that. I'm going to tell you a shout out to Miller's roofing in Pennsylvania, York PA.

They have a page that talks about all the charity and all the community services they provide and stuff like that. One is Alzheimer's. Guess what? My mother in law passed away of Alzheimer's. So if I go to Miller's roofing and I'm trying to choose between Miller's and Pete McKendrick's roofing company, sorry, Pete, I'm probably going to choose.

I'm probably going to choose Miller's Roofing because it's tearing on my height, my heartstrings, right? So you want to do that. So your website and Pete, I think you taught me this, or someone taught me this at RoofCon last year, your website is going to talk more. More to more people than all of your sales reps combined in a year.

Websites are important and sometimes contractors don't feel it is before and after pictures. I, uh, I researched it quite heavily before this, and it is true. Like, I mean, I saw it there there's, you know, MDG advertising consumers say that a clear detailed image carrying more weight on the purchasing decision than the product information.

In the customer rating. So having photos, everybody knows this is company cam. We integrate with company cam. You can look at a company cam before and after template. No, it is right. Company cam does a great job with that. We do a great job with showing all those beautiful after photos. And then 74 percent people say they're more likely to contact a business after viewing an online portfolio.

So think about that as well. All right. One thing I will say is when it comes to the photos, select good photos. Right? The importance of a good professional looking photo, uh, you know, like one thing we do at Roofr is we allow you to put your company cam photos or an uploaded photo as the cover page image of your proposal.

And it's huge, right? Like we've seen contractors win jobs because it was so professional and polished looking because the cover page right off the rip had a great photo of the house on it, you know, maybe they took a picture with the drone, you know, something that was impressive right from the very beginning.

So, you know, be smart about the photos that you pick when you're doing before and afters. You know, no ladders or port a johns in the pictures, preferably not your foot or your finger, you know, like these little things make a difference. Be careful that you're not putting people or your crews up on the roof that aren't tethered in, right?

Like OSHA doesn't like that. Correct. Yeah. No OSHA violations. When my company loads photos for you, cause we'll spend two hours as part of the onboarding process, if anybody decides to sign up with us, um, we don't put any pictures with, uh, With people in them. So yeah, photos are super important. Now, drone photography is becoming pretty big.

I think a lot of, you know, that not everybody's on board that yet, but I have seen the trend really, uh, pivoting that way. I will, you know, give a shout out to the third customer ever to sign up with project mapping in 2018 tar heel construction group. They're not out of North Carolina tar heel construction group.

Joe Aylor does an amazing job. If you look at their socials, they do a great job with video editing of drone photography before and after and stuff like that. As well as just regular drone photography. This is what I can speak to. I taught for 20 years, so I'm actually, I feel like this is the one thing I can speak to big time.

This is one of my favorite stats, right? 80 percent of what you see people retain. So let's talk about what that means. First, this first 80 percent piece, if you're going into a home to present, right? You want to be remembered and you want that homeowner to remember what you're talking about. So providing a visual, like a really nice digital presentation, roofer proposal, if you will.

Engage other, other platforms, whatever you use, PowerPoint, whatever it is. Um, put your company story, make it, make it lavish, put some of those great before and after photos, make that homeowner go like, damn, this company really does a nice job. Photos. There's not a stat here, but images, your, your, your eyes process images 60, 000 times faster than verbal or text.

Okay. So if you don't want to be remembered, just go in there and give them a pamphlet of certaintied and then they probably will not remember you as much, right? So only 10 percent of what you're here. So people that go out and you just talk to the homeowner when you leave, they're going to forget. Okay.

So think about the power of visuals and how you can leverage visuals, whether that's pre appointment email or texts that you send out, whether that's, um, you know, a proposal platform like roofer, whatever the case is, consider a powerful. And then 80 percent with the colors, put color in it. Now, here's an example of a roofer proposal.

I shortened it. Everybody that uses roofer proposals know you might have like 25 pages and you tell your company story, but I'll just kind of walk through this video that I shared. So you have your cover story, your cover page. You're going to talk in your proposal about your company and the certifications.

You're going to say, Hey, check out our testimonials. Meet my team. This is the owner. Here's some, this is probably a company camp thing right here. Here's some pain points I saw when we climbed up on your roof, by the way, we're a company that's certified with, with certainty, so we're going to be able to provide the best quality material, whatever that material is here, the colors, here's your good, better, and best deal, right?

Here's an example of good deal. Mr. And Mrs. Smith, it's going to cost 30, 000 to get a new roof. Now, I want you to know why you should pick us. This is where you can stick Project Mappit in there. There's a little quick call to action button in the middle. It says click to view our portfolio. Your sales rep can open that up and now in seconds, they're going to be able to show pictures of the work you've done.

Jobs you've done. You can zoom right in and say, hey, look at all the jobs we've done in your community. And then we have a filter system. This is a gallery page on the right side. You can open up a gallery picture and quickly access those photos. But we also have a smart filter system, and this is where all the ahas are.

You can go in here and select, I want to look at all the window jobs that we've done. And in seconds you have window jobs. I went on a roof inspection with a company. Let me stop that. Just a quick story. I went on, I went on a roof inspection. They had a power. They had a, they had a proposal just like this.

He saved project map. It is the last slide and said what I said just now said, um, Hey, I'm saving the best slide for last. You're going to see why you should choose us over the other two, uh, competing companies. And he opened up the map and the lady was like, Jesus, is that all the work you've done in our area?

He's like, yeah. And then she was trying to between HDZ charcoal and HDZ pewter. He was able to use those checkbox, the filter and show pewter and charcoal. And the lady looks at her husband and she goes, this, this software is awesome. She didn't know I was from project map, but I was like, proud, proud Papa moment there, Pete.

It was pretty sweet. But she said, uh, yeah, she was like the shingle board is nice, but it only gives me, you know, a certain square footage, like seeing it on a roof. Relevant to my house makes it a lot better and it helped sell the job. So power of visuals, power of Roofr, Roofr and Project Mappit combined, sticking a page into your Roofr proposal could go a long way.

We have found everybody that we close, we help your sales reps close about three to 10 percent more. What is Project Mappit? We're pins on a map, so we're going to be able to show local reputation, look at the work we've done in your community. Those are 15 jobs we just did. We're photos of the jobs and we're able to help you capture reviews with that tap card and the reviews page I showed you later earlier, but we can also showcase those Google reviews and Facebook.

So now I'm going to show you a live demo. I'll spend only like three minutes on it. All right, so this is our demo map. Um, very similar to the map you saw in the video, but I want to show you, I know, I know there's, if I click on media, so these filters in the top, right, are going to interactively make your map change, right?

So if I click on reviews, our system has a direct integration with Google business profile. So you connect project map it to your GBP. There are two things you can do. You can post to your Google business profile. So if I'm pro if I Google project map it, your Google business profile. Down here. I don't know if all of you know about the update section, but you can be in Project Mappet and post to Google Business.

Okay. The other thing our Google business integration does is right now we have 122 Google reviews. See, I wasn't lying, everybody. Um, let's say I get a Google review tonight. Our system will ping your GBP, your Google business profile at midnight. If it sees any new reviews, it'll automatically bring those reviews in.

So your maps constantly updated. Feel free to ask questions on chat. I am looking at them over here. All right. So you can show all of your Google reviews. You're going to see that we have a project map at review. We're our own platform. There's Google. If I keep scrolling, there's some, I think, Facebook posts, maybe not.

Intermixed here now, but we sync with Facebook, although Facebook's not playing nice with us lately. Now, very simple system, but our functionality refresh map, it puts the map right back to its original state. So it helps your sales reps go right back to the map. If they filter down now, media button, not many people use to be totally honest with you, but I'm going to click it.

Cause I know this pin right here has everything that a pin can have. So I'm going to walk, I'm going to show you. The first thing you can do is you can embed a YouTube or Vimeo video on the pin. So I can click play and in seconds that homeowner can show this. Now think about videos, right? Videos are real important.

If you have a video testimonial of the client, you can put it right on that pin. You can showcase all the after photos. So videos from YouTube embedded. You can write a job description. That helps a little bit with SEO. Again, please don't buy us for SEO. Um, Yeah. So I'm going to stop Ruben. Uh, Ruben just asked, what if we have more than one Google, my business?

So it depends, Ruben. If you have three businesses and they're all under the same email address, which most are all three businesses can go in. If this Google business has one login, this Google business has another, and this Google business has a different login. You can't put them all on one map, but it is something that our production team is working on currently.

So I'm hoping by the end of the year, we'll be able to put it. Put multiple different logins into one map. Did that answer your question, Ruben? So you can put a job description and you can embed that review right there on the map. I mean, on the pin, I'm sorry. Okay. So you can have videos and photos, a job description, and you can put your reviews and you'll see links right here.

So if I wanted to look at my Google reviews, I can click on that. It's going to take me right to it. All right. And then the bread and butter is the filter system. So if I'm looking for an Atlantic blue roof, When I click that filter, the map is going to change to only show Atlantic Blue Roost, but here on the gallery view is also Atlantic Blue Roost.

So it gives your sales reps a quick view of which of these like 15 pins have actual pictures on them and then they can smart Lee, if that's a word, pick the right project so you can start showing that homeowner. And I'm going to give a shout out to you, Pete. Pete was the one about five months ago that said you should have a gallery.

Do you remember that? I do. Yes. Yes. Reuben YouTube videos. So I can go into YouTube and I can, It's you're just copying the YouTube URL and pasting it in the backend of project mapping, and it'll appear on that pin. I wanted to show you a couple other maps because we have tons of functionality, different color pins to represent different things, right?

Blue and red. Um, you can put, you have the Google badges and all that kind of stuff. If it's a star next to the pin, it means that there's a project map at review on there. Uh, you know, um, big shout out to Miller's Roofing. They use us for everything. They request reviews using our email system and all that stuff.

So this is a really nice map. Uh, you can have houses as your pins. Notice everything's color, right? We can brand it. Our company brands it for you. We do, we do all of that for you. So we'll make your map look sexy. Uh, you can even put your logo. If your logo presents itself well enough, like storm guard, you can put your logo as a pin and you'll see most people are starting to use these, these galleries.

And, and this, uh, gentleman in Detroit, Chris, Chris Parker, he does a really nice job with drone photography. Any questions? Chris is good. Yeah, Chris, Christopher Parker. Yeah, we actually saw him at, uh, IRE, I think together. Didn't we, Pete? Yeah, no, Chris. Well, yeah. All right. So real quick. And then I'm almost done is just the idea that we have a, we have a landing page and this is another way where project map, it works well with roofer.

Okay. I just Googled pinnacle roofing of new England. There's no trick. I'm not trying to trick anybody. I'll do it again. So, you know that I'm not lying pinnacle. Look, it's right there. If I hit enter, you're going to see like there's their website. But we're ranking number two above Facebook and all these other things from them, better business bureau and stuff like that.

Um, but if you click on it, everybody gets this landing page, this landing page automatically uploads, I mean, automatically updates. So if I'm in project mapping and I put a new pin and I load some new photos, guess what this section down here, right here, it'll, it'll add it automatically. So once we set this page up and we do it for you, it automatically updates anytime you update a new project.

But. Um, so liken it to liken this to like an Angie's page or a Yelp page or whatever. The only difference is on Angie's Yelp, Better Business Bureau, you can scroll to the top and search for other companies, right? There's a search bar. I want a roof and blah, blah, blah here. It's just your page. So it just provides an extra online presence for you.

But if you look, we are now integrated with Roofers instant estimator. So you can embed your instant estimator right onto this. We call it the PPP, the public profile page. Um, so now. If somebody Googles it and it just so happens that this page pops up, they have a, they have the ability to find out how much a roof is going to cost using the IE.

Pete, did you want to say anything about the IE or anything to our customers that might be watching? Yeah, I think the, definitely probably one of the, we actually did a call earlier where the customer said a contractor, he's using roofer, he's, uh, doing very well. He's in his second year of business. And he said that the instant estimator is probably the most underrated tool in the entire roofing industry.

And those are his words. He said more contractors should be using it because it has so many uses, right? It's, uh, the thing about the instant estimator is that. It's could be a marketing tool. It can be a sales tool. He's leveraging it because he does a lot of work with real estate agents. So his real estate agents are using it to give customers perspective, customers, ballpark quotes on what it would take to get their roof done.

And in the meantime, he's capturing that information as a lead. Um, so it's really just a, Such a versatile tool. It's really been hugely successful for us. Uh, and it, and it kind of feeds the system, right? It's step one in getting everything rolling, you know? And, and I think one of the things about project Mappet here, as you've gone through this stuff is you could see the project Mappet intertwines very well throughout the process, right?

From the instant estimator, which is essentially like our marketing lead gen tool, right? You know, you could tie that to, uh, to Project Mappet. You know, Project Mappet, Gallery, and the Instant Estimator together could be a very powerful tool to start that whole lead gen process. You know, you can, you could essentially send it.

You know, I'm thinking like, I am dope. I got dope marketing. I'm using dope marketing to send postcards to a neighborhood. The postcards have a QR code that leads to this landing page. And now I've got. My project mapping gallery and my instant estimator. I'm capturing that lead. I've got my social proof and all of this is starting a chain reaction.

That's then feeding my CRM, uh, you know, allowing me to write proposals, allowing me to close jobs, right? So it's, it's kind of closing the loop. Uh, you know, and making the, the front end very easy, right? Like Steve said, in the very beginning, 50% of 57% of your sales process is happening before you've even gotten to the appointment.

And here it is, right? Like, here's a way to make that, to make you show really well right out of the box. You know, like if I'm a customer, I scan your QR code, um, you know, or I, you know, find your name somewhere and I end up here. Now I'm got my social proof. I've potentially got, you know, a pretty good quote on my job, you know, as the contractor, I'm capturing you as a lead and now the ball gets, you know, now we're going right now, I'm scheduling an appointment with you.

Now we're back to the traditional way of doing it. The beauty of this is now when we loop around and I write that really nice presentation style proposal, I've got my project mapping in there again. Hey, not sure if you guys check this out when you land on our page, here it is again. You know, check out our gallery, see the work that we've done in our, in your area, you know, it just kind of all intertwines and works really well together.

I love it. Uh, a couple of you were asking, so I want to show you, here's one company that I pulled up. This is the roofing company of Tampa Bay and the way it looks on their website, which we really like is, We usually say put an image on your homepage, sort of towards the top. It's in the middle of his homepage, so it's a perfect situation there where somebody's gonna go.

Think about it, it's an interactive map, so the more the longer people are on your website, the better, right? So let's put an interactive map on there where people are on there. People are, analytics are showing people stay about an a minute and a half to two and a half minutes on a map. So you put a call to action button on the homepage, it's gonna take you to a page.

Dedicated to the project map at Portfolio. And we work with your website company to do that. And then somebody asked about a commercial roofing company. Do they use it? Here's the commercial roofing and coding systems out of Ohio. This is their homepage. Everybody, they literally put on their banner. The first thing you are projects.

So you can go in there and then we're going to take a look at their past work. It's starting to pop up. You can view services. They have TPO full tear offs. Layovers, metal retrofits, new construction, TPO. Again, this is fully customizable, so you can do whatever you want to help market and provide your sales team a good tool to help close deals.

Yeah. And the, you know, the quoting and the referral process is huge on the commercial side of the business, right? So, you know, we almost always have to get multiple quotes, right? You know, we're, we're always looking for referrals to, to make sure that we're hiring the right person. Usually the jobs are, Much higher in dollar figure, you know, or we're hiring someone to do multiple jobs at multiple properties.

So all of this is way powerful from the commercial side. I mean, it's probably should be leveraged even more on the commercial side, right? Because it's just so powerful over there for the way that they do business as a commercial Rupert. Totally agree. Um, This page, it just talks about how to leverage.

We've covered most of these. I do want to give me a lot of times. This seems to be an aha moment for people. I ask contractors when I present all over the U S like, Hey, what do you do with your pre appointment email? Whether it's an email or a text, whatever. And they're like, I mean, it's pretty basic, right?

Most people are, it's a basic email. It's Hey, John's going to be out there at two o'clock on a Thursday. If you have any questions, give us a call. What we say or suggest or recommend is to beef that, that. That thing up a little bit more. So in other words, add power videos, and this has nothing to do with project map it, this is just our recommendation to everybody and people love it.

Um, I always tell a story. I'm not going to, I don't have time to tell it, but about me buying a truck because the dealer sent me a text message with a video of Romero in front of the truck, it was just enough to get my wife to let me buy the truck. And it was all about that video. So having a video of your sales rep, um, again, you're going to get a link to this deck.

If you click here. It will open up a file of me giving an example of what that might look like, but introducing your sales rep to that homeowner before your sales rep knocks on the door. Think about our world today, everybody, right? They want to meet you before they meet you. So give them a video and get them to meet your sales reps before they meet you before they physically meet America.

And then putting a portfolio past work. Hey, check out our, our past work again. Throwing that social proof in their face as much as possible so that before you go out there, they're like, damn, I looked at that map. That map had like 5, 000 projects on it. That's, that's amazing. So it's going to pull it up there, but you get it, right?

So add your map to that pre appointment email. Uh, Other ways people use us. All right. Talk about your in home sales presentation, whether that's a roofer proposal or something else. Uh, if you're not the decision maker and you want to show this deck to the, your owner or whoever makes those decisions in your office, you can click any of these buttons, add project, map it to the roofer proposal.

If you click on it, it's going to open up. A lot of people will put QR codes on their signs, on their truck wraps. Um, in your signature of your emails, just putting links to this map everywhere. You can, uh, I want to, I want to point out we are, we aren't small in the respect that we have really good partners that help you all integrate well and make it seamless to use project mapping.

So with company cam, we are, we're photo documentation system too. You can take pictures. You just can't annotate and do all the cool stuff that company cam does. So we are very well aligned with company cam. So you can. Take pictures in company cam when you're on your phone or desktop computer and select, you know, 150 pictures in the project.

You might only want to send three of those nice after photos over. You select the pictures in company cam, click a tag button, and it sends the pin on the mat. It'll, it'll send the information project. Have it drop the pin, tag it, add photos. Um, if you register warranties with CertainTeed or if you're, I will say this, if you're a CertainTeed jingle select master or any of the top tier entry tier levels, let me know.

Uh, we're working with CertainTeed right now and some cool things. If you order from ABC or SRS, we have opt in forms. You fill it out. We send it to SRS, ABC. They send us the data and we can build your map. So we have some really cool integrations. We, we embed right into an Engage slide deck. Um, We help you add the pins.

Again, easily adding pins through CertainTeed ABC, your Roofr CRM, spit out a exported spreadsheet with your trade types and send it our way and we can build your map in less than 24 hours. I mean, unless a hundred of you ask us to build a map, it might take a week. Um, we, we help you get it added to the website.

We'll spend two hours loading photos. We offer. Uh, weekly trainings. We just added a new implementation of how to leverage project map. That's really good. Uh, and then here's the plan that, uh, looks like Mal or the team at Roofer already put up. So just to be clear, top here, the biggest plan you normally it's 2270 a year.

Uh, if you sign up like the promo code down here says, uh, if you sign up by September 13th, we'll give it to you for 1, 700 a year for life. Right. So you're saving 500, whatever. I'm not, I was a math teacher, 570 bucks for life. If you sign up by September 13th. And the reason we want to say September 13th, we want to give you a time to set up a, if you'd rather set up a demo, you can set up a demo with us.

That gives you some time. I'm just looking at this question. Yes, David, we'll make it. Okay. Can you repeat how to work with company cam? Yeah, I can. Um, I might even have it on here now. So with company cam, you never have to log into project mapping. Here, I'll show the tags, like all these tags here, when you connect project map at a company cam, all of these tags end up going into company cams tagging system.

So when you're in company cam, you might have a hundred pictures of a job, but you only want to send four of those pictures over to project map it. So you select the four pictures like you can in company cam, and then you go to actions tag and you tag those pictures in company cam and you would tag it with one of these tags that are in company cam.

So if I tagged it, R25 Rhino bond attached. It's going to, that's the trigger that tells company cam, Oh, I got to go send this pin to project map it. I need to label it. R25 run Rhino bond and it attaches the photos to it. So it's a pretty slick integration. Did that answer your question, Ronald? Yeah. And on top of that, I will note that Roofr also has a really good company cam integration, if you guys use us or don't use us, uh, at this point where we sync with company cam and we are able to create the project from the job.

And then also the pictures flow back over so you can utilize company cam images. Uh, on your instant estimator, if you'd like, or also in the, uh, what most of our people do, they use them in their proposal. Uh, you know, from if maybe they're doing an inspection in company cam, maybe they just have before and after pictures.

Maybe they just have a picture of the front of the house. They want to throw in the cover. Uh, they bring those company cam photos then and use them throughout our products. So, yeah, I mean, if there are any project map at people watching, I mean, all, all, and I mean, they really, Roofer is becoming that all in one tool, right?

I mean, you want to say all of them, Pete, there's, there's measurements, proposals, instant estimator, CRM. Did I miss anything? Yeah. I mean, and then obviously the CRM has, you know, payments and financing and all these things built into it. So yeah, it's kind of becoming a very solid end to end solution. And, uh, you know, supplementing it with products like this is just, uh, you know, making the process that much stronger.

So. Uh, definitely check it out if you guys currently don't use, uh, Roofr because we've come a long way in the last couple of years, I can say that. And I do want to be very clear, um, when you get this deck, when they send it out, hopefully they'll send it out, you know, by tomorrow or whatever. Go to this page, onboarding and pricing, multiple locations, okay?

I think Ruben, you had three locations. Because you have multiple business locations, it actually is more, you fall in a corporate account. Now, normally a corporate account is 1, 700. Uh, if you have over 16 locations, even less, or if you're a franchisee or something like that. But we're going to say we'll lock you in at 1, 500 per location.

And I can show you the ROI on a demo or perlican. I mean, the, the, the return on investment is ridiculous. So if you have a one location thing, or let's say you have two locations and one's a main office, and then you have a satellite office, we're not going to charge you for that satellite office if you don't have people working in there, but if you're in multiple States, we have people with like eight, nine, 34 locations, um, That becomes a little bit more.

So I just want to be very upfront and transparent with you on that. But you have till September 13th, everybody, um, this takes you directly to the signup page. You're going to use the code Roofr1700, capital R, uh, and that'll give you that discount where it locks you in at 1, 700 a year for life. We got a question here from Ruben.

He's asking if you can customize the website embed. So, uh, you know, where we're embedding project map it on his website. Yeah. So your marketing agency will decide we re so you email your marketing agency and just CC your customer success rep over a project map it, and we'll send them explicit instructions.

This company built this image, you know, so it's up to the marketing agency as well to help build the image. But we always recommend, you know, you could do it two ways. Put it on here as an image. I think that's the most important because this is a hook. You want people to see this. And then, you know, you could also do a double dose of putting it in a menu bar up here.

But as far as the map itself goes. Where'd it go? You can change the colors. We can brand it. So the map is fully customizable if that's what you're asking. And we do provide like some verbiage, right? Like some things that they can think of as inspiration as your marketing team's trying to figure out what to put on there.

So the map itself is fully customizable. Did that answer your question, Ruben? And are there any other questions?

It works on any website. There hasn't been a website that I haven't seen it work on. Sweet. No other questions? Well, I have a question. Please. I'm a lifelong learner. Tell me if this, this, uh, if I sucked at this, if there are any recommendations, uh, I'm all fine. I'll take criticism, constructive criticism. Uh, you mentioned all the features.

If you don't use company cam for what you showed pictures can up. Yeah, absolutely. Like we, like CRM, we'll download the photos. We'll upload them project map it. We train your, your, uh, we'll train your staff how to do it. So we'll. Take care of you. We'll take care of you on the front end. Uh, at the onboarding part, we do offer everybody virtual management for 50 bucks an hour.

And to be honest with you, unless you're a company that's put on 500 roofs or, you know, we can usually get like, so we work with you in this respect for 50 bucks an hour. You send us a spreadsheet once a month. We work with you and your team on that. Maybe it's a spread. SRS automatically updates it. We can request it from ABC once a month.

So if you work with any of those, we can add pins easily. For you. That's not a problem. And then for 50 bucks an hour, we'll load photos for you. So we can take care of that. Yeah, we have great question, David. We have like soft, if you, I'm sure they have it on their website by now, but soft touch roofing out of Pennsylvania.

Uh, Stefan Vasquez is the owner. He has like 20 projects, if that on his map right now. Like if I go to a website, most websites with gallery pictures have 10 pictures on there. If that. So start small and just be, just be honest. Like, Hey, we're, we're a new company. This is what we've done so far. Your work is still going to speak for itself.

We literally have tons of maps with 20 projects, 30 projects, a hundred projects is actually pretty good. Yeah. I mean, it's still great proof one way or the other, right? 100 percent visual factor of it. Even if it's five jobs, you know, it's somebody's looking for a more, yeah. Someone's looking for a more a black roof and you have a picture of it because you have it on your map.

Right. They're going to, they're going to love that. And to answer your question, your second part there, a lot of companies that don't have after photos, they'll hire like a high school kid or a college person, a little higher drone person, they're drone people all over the fricking United States. Now, um, you can hire someone just to go out and take pictures.

To get it updated. PMI can, oh yeah, you can also build out a billboard thing. So, uh, I know for, and, and Pete, you can cut me off if you want. I don't know how many. How many people are still on, but for example, I know pests are, they're a pest company. So, uh, you'll see what I mean in a second. So what Ashley Battelle is saying is we will build.

So let's say, let's say David, you don't have good after photos. Right? So you have a hundred pins on there with no, no good pictures. What we'll do in our company, we'll build a nice billboard advertisement like this. Again, pest control. Sorry, it's not a roofing company. We have roofing companies that leverage this, but we can add a nice image to every single pin that shows up that gives information on how to, how to reach out to your company, you know, website and stuff like that.

Pictures during inspection during project. And I, in other words, would project map it, give us the ability to not use company cam anymore. He's asking, did you actually take the photos in project map? To answer your question, Ronald, the transparent answer is yes, but it's not going to do nearly as much as project as company cam.

Um, we, we like to say company cam is a photo documentation system on steroids. We are a portfolio on steroids. And that's why the two of us really like work well together because we compliment what we're weak in and the other company. Um, we can, you can, we're a web app, so you bookmark our app. You don't download it from an Apple store or Google store.

You just bookmark it to your phone. And, and our system. We'll take the pictures within the web app, uh, and it will timestamp them. And that's it. You can't share it right now with the company, uh, with the homeowner. You can't annotate on it. You can't, you can't do videos like you can in company cam. So we are far inferior to, to company cam and they are, I wouldn't say far inferior, I would never say that to a company like company cam, but their portfolio nearly as good as ours.

I didn't see. Oh, presentation is great. Very strong tool for visual. Oh yeah. Yeah. Thank you, Ty. Thank you, Roofr. You have to say that. You have to say that. That was probably Pete, everybody that said it. You're welcome.

Well, also guys, thanks so much for joining us, Steve. Oh, hold on. We got one more question off topic, but would you guys best piece of advice for a new sales routes? Uh, I've got a couple, um, honestly, and I, I hate, I, again, teacher 20 years. So I don't want to pronounce your name wrong, but I like saying names, Javin or Javin.

So I'm sorry that I'm butchering your, butchering your name. Uh, I, I strongly recommend either you have a strong, you have, you have a very strong sales manager that can take them under their wing when you use, uh, a proposal platform or a platform like engage. You can have a templated kind of storytelling and that will help you.

That'll help new sales reps guide their way on learning the process quicker. I also believe strongly I do. Cause I have one myself is getting a coach and there's lots of very good coaches out there. We're partnered with sales transformation group. They're a good group. Chuck Toki and Jim Johnson. They're amazing.

Uh, and they'll come out, they'll do whatever you need so they can coach you up on the leadership team and teach you how to be better. They can come into your office and do online stuff with your sales reps. Can we use different icons on the map? We got stuff. You can. Yeah. And when you say different icons, do you mean different colors?

Do you mean like, Hey, I want this to be a house icon and this to be a pin icon? You can do that as well. Yeah, zoom info and engage. We use zoom info. Um, another thing. So engage has analytics like David saying, uh, zoom info has coaching points. So, uh, with engage, it can tell the owner or the salesman, whoever's in charge of your sales reps, it'll, it'll tell them how long they're on each slide and things like that.

And then what's the other one, Pete, with, uh, uh, the voice thing, um, uh, Rilla voice, Ashton Rilla. Yes. Rilla voice is a fantastic tool. Yeah. Check that out. Yeah. If you're a new salesman, it's an incredible tool. You literally just throw it in your pocket. It records your conversation with the homeowner, gives you pointers, improves your sales process.

It's a fantastic tool, uh, uses AI to analyze your sales process and help you close better. Um, love Rilla voice, love Sebastian. And, uh, I would say the biggest things, like my advice would be, Uh, a good presentation, build yourself a really good presentation, education and transparency. Nick, if Nick is listening, those are his, he should trademark those for that phrase, but education and transparency, right?

Educate homeowners, especially selling roofs. Homeowners do not understand anything about roofs on their house. Even if they've done their research, they still don't know what they're looking at. Educate your homeowner. It builds trust. It builds the relationship, makes it easier to sell. And maybe you can reach out to David land.

Um, I think it was Ruben that at, or I forget who asked. Um, but yeah, maybe reach out to David. Maybe Roofer can connect you to, because he has some really good, I used the crap. Our company used the crap out of chat, GBT with objections. You can say, Hey, give me the objections that homeowners use and how I would, how my sales rep of a roofing company would handle that.

Um, and then McKinsey, you did say something, any plans on making it an exit count. I'm not quite sure what you're asking on that. Is it like, I think she wants you to be on Twitter, like having project map it on, on Twitter. On X. I'm not sure if you're still on Mackenzie, but yeah, David, you seem to really have a good grasp.

Maybe you can pay, maybe you can pay David to come out to your consulting fees, consulting fees, for sure. But you can always reach out to me and I can give you some of the people that we were talking about. Talking about, yeah. And one thing you can do too, is if you go to the resource section on roofer, we actually did a really great, um, three part series with Corey cones from South shore roofing, where Corey walks through the sales process.

Um, you know, how to set up, uh, you know, I think he does how to set up the sales appointment, you know, how to close the job, what the presentations to look like. Um, You know, he does a fantastic job on those. It's a great three part series that he filmed with us. So to, uh, get a chance, go to the resource section on Roofr, check it out.

All our masterclasses and everything are on there and I believe it's in there. So Cory's awesome. Yeah. Uh, yes, Frank, there will be, uh, there will be the opportunity to grab this. So. And Peter, you saw McKinsey wants you to update a Roofr account in X. In X? Oh, there you go. I'll get the marketing people.

Mal's on the call. She's the marketing person. I'm glad you didn't ask Project Mapper to be on X. We'll get Matt Radford. We'll get Matt Radford on that today. Love that guy. He's awesome. Well, Yeah. Thank you everybody for joining us. Uh, appreciate you jumping on Steve. Great, uh, information and a great topic.

And hopefully you guys got some stuff that you can put to use. Where can they get in touch with you, Steve? If they want to talk to, uh, Project Mappet. You are the rest of the group. Uh, you can literally just type, just email us at info at project Mappet. com. And then also when you, when you get the link to our sale up to the deck that I presented on everybody in that one slide, if, especially if you're a, if you're a corporate account with multiple businesses, click on that contact, just info project Mappet.

com. We'll get that. And we'll be able to set up a demo for you and stuff like that. So you don't want me to send everybody your cell phone number? Um, actually, I don't know. Are people still on right now? Yes, they are still on. There you go. Info on a project. Yeah. Oh, you did put it up. And then here's one more thing.

Here's one more thing, uh, that I can put, this'll take you right to our sales calendar. So if you wanted to copy and paste that everybody, you can just set up a, set up a meeting with Perla more than likely, or me, it'll be one of us.

And yes, Suzanne, we will have a recording available. Yep. And Suzanne, you can set up a demo too, and we can meet the boss and it can be a personalized demo of your exact company. You're welcome, Ty. I'm glad to hear that. Well, thank you everybody for jumping on. We'll let you guys, uh, get on with your night.

Thank you, Steve, for joining us again. And, uh, we will see you next time on Roofer. Thanks for having me, brother.

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a close up view of a metal roof