
How to Create a Roofing Proposal Template

Learn how to create a roofing proposal template that you can re-use on future proposals. Discover more today!

Last updated
September 25, 2023

What it does: Creates a re-usable, editable template for proposals.

Purpose: Allows you to create proposals extremely quickly by pulling items from your catalog.

  • Pre-populates items and their coverage, unit costs, and tax when creating a proposal
  • Allows you to create proposals in a few clicks
  • Allows you to include additional pages (Terms & Conditions, etc.) that are reused frequently


  • Catalog
  • Requirements to create a proposal template.

Available On: Free, Pro, Premium & Elite Plans

Here's how it works:

Step 1: Click the Proposals” button on the left side navigation.

Step 2: Then, click “Templates” on the top navigation bar.

Step 3: Next, click the “New template” button.

Step 4: Click “Edit Option”  and use the “Add item from catalog button to start creating your template.

Step 5: Next, select the item you would like to add from the drop down. If you have a lot of items, start typing the item's name and it will pop up.

Note: The rest of the item’s information like measurement, coverage, unit cost, and tax should pre-populate based on the information you included in your catalog.

Step 6: Repeat these steps for as many items as you would like to include in this template.

Step 7: If you want to remove an item from the template, just click the “x” button

Step 8: Update your default pricing information for the template by clicking on the gear icon to open the settings modal. Here you can toggle the relevant options you want to be included on future proposals made from this template.

Note: The information you add to this template can be edited in future proposals.

Step 9: Once you’ve finished creating your template, click the ‘Save and close” button.

Changing Cover Image & Layout

Step 1: Click the “layout” button on the right hand side of the editor

Step 2: Click the “Cover” button in the left hand navigation

Step 3: Select the layout option you prefer

Step 4: To add a new cover photo, click the “replace” button directly on your cover photo or click on the “photo” button below layouts. Then you’ll be able to choose an image from your device.

Note: You can edit and crop the photo directly on your cover image

Adding a Section

Step 1: Click ****the “+” button on the left side navigation to select a section type

Step 2: To upload a PDF, select the PDF file you would like to upload. Next, rename the page title.

Step 3: To add a text-only page begin by renaming the page title, and add any desired information/text to the text block.

Deleting a Section

Step 1: On the proposal editor, click on the section you would like to delete on the left side navigation.

Step 2: Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click “Delete section”.

Naming your Template:

Step 1: If you would like to name or rename the template, click the edit button at the top of the page and type in the desired name.

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