How to Create Automations
Automations help you effortlessly move the job through the pipeline with the peace of mind that nothing is falling through the cracks.
What it does:
Automatically executes an action based on job activity triggers.
To perform the standardized tasks that are needed to complete a job that are typically done manually.
Pre-Requisites: Using job stages to move your job through the pipeline in your Roofr job board.
Available on:
Pay as you go: 1 automation rule enabled
Pro: 3 automation rules enabled
Premium: 5 automation rules enabled
Elite: Unlimited rules
Creating an Automation
Step 1: In your navigation bar, go to automations

There are two ways to create an automation.
- Automation from a template
- Automation from scratch
Automation from a Template
Using a template for automations is like, automating the automation process (🤯). These templates are made to match common roofing workflows - to save you even more time.
Step 1: Choose “Browse automations” to open up the template library
Step 2: Pick an automation from the library to preview and edit it.
Note: You can also edit the templated automations before adding them to automation list.

Edit the automation
Automations work on simple “if/then” statements.
When creating an automation from a template, the “If” statements are set, but you can edit the actions that follow the “then” statement.
- add, remove, edit task list items
- change the job stage in the drop down
- change the job value
- etc…

Step 3: Choose the frequency of the automation by selecting “every time” or “only once per job”
Step 4: Turn your automation on by switching the “Not Enabled” toggle at the bottom of the pop-up to “Enabled.
Note: You can also add the automation without enabling it first. This will add it to your automations list and you can turn it on later. You can easily enable and disable automations from the list view in your Automations tab.
Step 5: Add the automation to your list, and keep going!
Note: If you’ve edited the automation before adding it to your list, the template remains the same.

Automation from Scratch
Automations are meant to save you time - not cost you time setting them up. Creating an automation from scratch gives you simple choices, so you can get the job done.
Step 1: Choose “Create Custom”.
Step 2: Name your automation in the top section where it says “Automation Name”
Pro tip: Choose a name that will let you easily understand what the automation does. As your list grows, you’ll want a way to keep them organized. Good things to include in the name are;
- Details of the automation
- When a job stage changes to appointment scheduled, create tasks
- Outcome of the automation
- Move job from sales team to production team
- Purpose of the automation
- Create sales follow up to do list
Step 3: Create your “if” statement by choosing a trigger from the drop down menu. Once you choose the trigger type, the options will appear.
Step 4: Create your “then” statement by selecting the action from the drop down menu. Once you choose the action type, the options will appear.
Step 5: Choose the frequency of the automation by selecting “every time” or “only once per job”.

Managing your Automations
From the list view in your automations tab you can easily manage which automations are turned on or off, add and delete automations, get a quick look at the details of all your automations together, or edit the details of those existing automations at any time.
Enable / Disable
To quickly enable or disable an automation from your list view, simply click on the toggle beside the name of the automation

Quick Look
To get a snapshot of the details of your automation, hit the blue arrow on the left hand side of the automation list item. This will show a drop down of the triggers and actions that are set-up. This lets you view the details of all your automations at once. To hide them, simple click the blue arrow again.

Click edit on the right hand side of the automation you want to delete to open up the edit screen and hit delete at the bottom.

Edit Existing
Click edit on the right hand side of the automation you want to change, update the details, then hit save.

Summary: It’s no secret automations save you time, but if you’ve got lots on your plate it can be hard to prioritize getting them set up. That’s what we’re here for. Book a free session with the Roofr Implementation team and we’ll help you set them up right then and there. A 30 minute call will save you hours of manual work each week. Book a call.