Instant Estimator

Roofer Leads and How to Manage Them

Learn how to manage new inbound roofer leads from your Instant Estimator so you can qualify and quote in seconds. Find out more today!

Last updated
July 15, 2024

What it does: Allows you to create and/or automatically store all your leads’ information in one place so you can qualify.


  • Manually add new leads’ information to save and qualify
  • Automatically capture leads’ information when they complete your Instant Estimator flow
  • Edit lead information captured from Instant Estimator
  • Qualify leads in minutes for your sales team to start quoting

Prerequisites:  Complete your Instant Estimator setup.

Available On: Elite Plans


Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Access Leads

First, log onto the Roofr platform and click “Leads” in the left navigation pane.

Once the screen has loaded, click the “New Lead” button in the top right corner. This will bring you to your lead details.

Step 2: Set the Status of Your Leads

In the dark grey rectangle, you’ll see a drop-down for Lead Status. By default, any new Leads that you’ve manually added or are received through your Instant Estimator will have their Lead Status set to “New Lead”

You can click the dropdown arrow to change this status from “New Lead” to “Working,” “Qualified,” or “Disqualified.” This will help keep your pipeline organized and actionable.

Select the “Lead Status” (new lead, or working) and enter in the address of this new lead.

Step 3: Ensure Roof Address is Correct

In the same dark grey rectangle from Step 2, you’ll find the Roof address field on the right side. If this is a lead from your Instant Estimator, you’ll find this field already populated. If you’re manually adding a Lead, you’ll have to enter their address in this field.

Step 4: Prefilled Project/Lead Info from Instant Estimator

If this is a lead that has come through an Instant Estimator you’ve set up, you’ll see that almost all the fields on this page have been prefilled with the information the lead provided in the respective IE instance.

Right below the dark grey box, you’ll see a label aligned to the left that indicates which Instant Estimator this particular Lead came from. This will help you attribute new Leads to specific IE instances. For example, if you’re running multiple IE instances for paid ads on different platforms, you can see which channels are generating which leads.

Step 5: Editing Project/Lead Info

Editing or adding the information pertaining to this Project/Lead is as simple as clicking on the fields to type or clicking on a dropdown menu and selecting an option. To best equip your sales team, we strongly recommend ensuring each field is completed and accurate.

Please note that Roof Area cannot be editing at this stage. This is pulled automatically.

Step 6: Adding Lead Notes

To keep your team on the same page, we find that it’s helpful to create internal notes about each lead. On the left hand side, you’ll find a Notes section. Here, you can create private notes for your team to share key information about the Project/Lead or just to encourage them on closing this Lead.

Step 7: Selecting Their Proposal Interest

At the bottom of the right side of the page, you’ll find a section labelled “Interested in proposal for.” After your team has had a chance to speak with the lead, come back to this section to select which proposal option the Lead has expressed interest in.

Step 8: Saving Lead Information

Once you’ve completed and reviewed all the fields, it’s time to Save your Lead’s information. On the left side of the page, you’ll see a blue button that reads “Save.” Simply click on this to Save the details on this screen. You’ll see a quick little loading animation on the button. Once that’s finished, your Lead’s information has been updated!

Step 9: Managing Your Leads from the Leads Dashboard

We’ve made it easy for you to manage multiple aspects of your Lead’s information right from your dashboard. Below are a few things you can do from the Leads dashboard, without having to click into the Lead.

Step 9a: Changing Lead Status

In the middle row, you’ll find the heading Lead Status. In this column are the toggles for each Lead’s Lead Status. Click on the dropdown of the specific lead you want to change the status of. From here, you can change the status of the Lead to “Working,” “Qualified,” or “Disqualified.”

Step 9b: Assigning Leads

Under the second header from the right, you’ll be able to assign each lead to a member of your team. Simply click on the hyperlinked “Assign lead” in blue to bring up a modal. On this modal, you’ll be able to assign this Lead to another team member by clicking on the “Select assignee” dropdown and selecting that individual. Make sure to click the blue “Assign” button for the changes to take effect.

Step 9c: Viewing Estimates

Once you’ve selected the specific proposal option that a lead is interested in, on the dashboard under the Estimate heading you’ll see the quote for that Project/Lead. Any changes you make in the “Interested in proposal for” section in the Lead details will be reflected here.

Step 9d: Filtering By Status

As your business grows, your sales pipeline will be full of leads at different stages. To quickly filter through them and surface the ones that need attention, we’ve built sorting options for you. Under the search bar in the top left, you’ll find options that read: All, Open, New, Working, Qualified, and Disqualified. Click on the option you’d like to see and the Leads that do not fit this criteria will be hidden while the ones that do will be shown. For example, if you’d like to see all Qualified leads at a glance, simply click the Qualified option to surface these leads. Any lead that is not marked as Qualified will be hidden.

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