Measurement Reports

How to Order a Roof Measurement Report (Roofr Report)

Learn how to order a Roofr Report (roof measurement report) in only a few clicks.

Last updated
July 15, 2024

What it does: Allows you to order an accurate roof measurement report in minutes. 

Purpose: Save time by purchasing a roof measurement report for $18. 

  • Takes less time than creating yourself
  • Accurate reports created in hours
  • Save time and money 

Prerequisites*:  None.

Available On: All Plans (Free, Pro, Premium & Elite)

Here's how it works:

Step 1: Log onto your Roofr dashboard and click the Measurements” button on the left side navigation.  

Step 2: Next, click on the “Order a Roofr Report” button.

Step 3: Then, enter the address of the roof you would like measured. You can also enter your customers’ contact details like their name, email, and phone number, but this step is optional.

Step 4: Once completed, click “Submit”.

Step 5: Next confirm the roof’s location by dragging the image on screen so that the target icon is on top of your desired roof location.

Note: If you need multiple buildings at one address like a multi-family complex - you can order additional reports for other nearby roofs by clicking the “Add Building” button and repeating step 5.

Step 6: Once everything looks good, click on the “confirm” button. 

Step 7: If you have any additional information you want to include like additional structures on the property (garage or shed) you can enter it here.

Step 8: Click “next” to move on.

Step 9: You’ll then be asked to confirm some final payment details. This information may change depending on your subscription. Once you review and are ready to purchase, click the “confirm purchase” button.

Note: If you are on a Pro, Premium or Elite plan material calculations are included free of charge and your delivery time will differ.

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