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How to Reset Your Roofr Password

Learn how to reset your Roofr password in less than 3 minutes.

Last updated
January 12, 2023

What it does: Allows you to reset your password if you’re struggling to log into your account.

Resetting Your Password

Step 1: First, head to

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Step 2: Next, click on the “forgot your password?” button right above the password field.

Step 3: Next, enter in the email address you used to register your Roofr account.

Tip: Check and ensure that your email is spelt correctly, and that you didn’t sign up with another email address.

Step 4: Then click the “Send Login Link to my Email!” button.
Step 5: Go to your email inbox that you just entered in to reset your password.
Step 6: Check for an email from Roofr with the subject line “Your automatic login link for Roofr has arrived!”.
Step 7: Open the email, and click the green “Go to Dashboard” button in the email.

Note: This link will automatically log you in and take you to the Roofr dashboard.

Step 8: Click on the “company” button on the left side navigation.
Step 9: Click the “User Profile” button on the top navigation bar.

Step 10: Under the “Change Password” section, type in the new password you would like to use on this account. Then, type it in again to confirm.
Step 11: Once complete, click the “Change Password” button.

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Step 12: That’s it! Your password should be reset.

Note: If you are having any issues resetting, receiving the reset email, or updating your password please reach out to a member of out team.

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