Measurement Reports

How to Add Your Logo to Measurement Reports

Learn how to upload your logo and include it in measurement reports.

Last updated
July 15, 2024

What it does: Allows you to upload your logo and include it on all measurement reports.

Purpose: Allows you to increase brand awareness and stay memorable to potential clients:

  • Logo is included on each page of measurement reports
  • Increases brand awareness
  • Forms a bond between customers and brand

Prerequisites*:  Your logo must be uploaded to your account.

*Requirements to include logo on reports.

Available On: Pro, Premium & Elite Plans

Adding Your Logo to Roofr Reports

  1. Log onto your Roofr dashboard and click the “Settings” button on the left side navigation.
  2. Find and click on the “Company Profile” tab across the top navigation.
  3. Here you’ll find a section labelled “Your Brand” in the middle of the page.
  4. In the “Logo” section, click the upload button.
  5. Select the logo you want to include on reports (must be a minimum of 120x120px).
  6. Once completed click the “Save changes” button.

Downloading PDF with logo on an past measurement report: 

  1. Click the “Measurements” button on the left side navigation.
  2. Find the report you want to download with your logo.
  3. Click on the “actions” button.
  4. Click “Download PDF with logo”.

Downloading PDF with logo on a DIY measurement report: 

(Only available on subscription plans)

  1. Click the “Measurements” button on the left side navigation.
  2. Click the “Create Measurement” button.
  3. Create a DIY report. 
  4. Once complete, click the “Download” button on the top right.
  5. Click the “Download PDF (with logo)” button.

Downloading PDF with logo on a Roofr Report that has been ordered: 

  1. Click the “measurements” button on the left side navigation.
  2. Find the report you want to download with your logo.
  3. Click on the “actions” button.
  4. Click “Download PDF with logo”.

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