How to Create a Measurement Report (DIY)
Learn how to create a measurement report for free in minutes.
What it does: Allows you to create an accurate roof measurement report using aerial, satellite, and blueprint imagery.
Purpose: Allows you to create a roof measurement report for free in minutes.
- Upload an image, or purchase premium imagery
- Create in minutes using our snapping feature, pitch tool, and more
- Download and send measurement reports to your customers in minutes (PDF and CSV)
Prerequisites: None.
Available On: All Plans (Free, Pro, Premium & Enterprise)
Creating a DIY Measurement Report
Step 1: Select the Structure
- In the measurements tab in your Roofr Dashboard click “Create DIY”
- Input the job address and click continue

- On the image selection screen you will see multiple image options to choose from. Select the image where you have the clearest view of the structure you wish to draw.
- Adjust the map center by clicking the pencil icon in the left corner and dragging the pin to ensure the roof is centered below the red tag.
- Zoom in and out to include the entirety of the structures you are drawing by using the plus and minus icons.

Everything inside the picture window will be included in the image you use for your Roofr DIY report. Once you are happy with what is shown, click “select image”

Step 2: Square the Structure
The first step to getting a clear drawing is ensuring the roof is as square as possible on your drawing screen.
- Click the grid icon in the toolbox at the bottom of the Roofr viewer. This will provide a 90 degree grid overlay to square off your roof for drawing
- Use the rotate icons on the bottom toolbar to square off the roof as best as possible against the grid
- When you are happy with the square orientation, click the grid icon again to remove the grid overlay

Step 3: Draw the Structure
- Click the ‘Draw’ tab at the top of the view screen
We recommend drawing the outer edges of the structure first
Your edge lines will turn white when they are at 90 degrees and yellow when on an angle. Lines will turn blue when they are fixed into the drawing.
- Once you have the structure outlined, continue to draw lines over all edges of the structure. Be sure to create your edges as close as possible to the features of the roof.

Step 4: Label the Edges
- Select the Edge tab at the top of the view screen.
You will see a toolbox on the right-hand side of the screen with a list of roof edge types, such as eaves, valleys and rakes
- Start labeling from the top of the structure to the bottom, and the top of the roof types first and then move down the list.
- To label the lines, click the edge type in the toolbar and then click the line you wish to label as that roof type. Switch labels by clicking another type in the toolbar and click to label those line types.

NOTE: Be sure to correctly label each edge.
The edge colour will change depending on the edge type selected.
Step 5: Add Pitch
- Select the Facets tab at the top of the view screen.
Note the layers window on the left and the pitch values on the right.
Be sure to select the layer you wish to work on, or select ‘all’ to access any facet on the roof.

- Add pitch to an individual facet by clicking on the pitch value, and then click inside a facet to add that value. Remember to switch between active layers when adding pitch to individual facets.

NOTE: If the whole layer is one pitch, you can select the bounding Box with the four arrows beside the pitch value to apply that pitch to the entire layer selected.

Step 6: Save and Download
- Be sure to save your progress as you draw and when you are finished.
- Download a PDF or CSV of the report by clicking the arrow icon on the top right of the view screen.

How To:
Delete an Edge
- Click the “Edges” button on the top navigation.
- Click the “Delete Edge” button on the right side navigation.
- Select and click on the edge you would like to delete.
Delete a Facet
- Select the “Facet” button on the top navigation.
- Click the “Delete Facet” button on the right side navigation.
- Select and click the facet that you would like to delete.
Delete a Pitch
- Select the “Facet” button on the top navigation.
- Click the “Delete Pitch” button on the right side navigation.
- Select and click the pitch/facet that you would like to delete.