DIY Measurements

How to Create a Measurement Report (DIY)

Learn how to create a measurement report in minutes.

Last updated
July 15, 2024

What it does: Allows you to create an accurate roof measurement report using aerial, satellite, and blueprint imagery. 

Purpose: Allows you to create a roof measurement report in minutes. 

  • Upload an image, or choose from our available images
  • Create a report in minutes using our snapping feature, pitch tool, and more
  • Download and send measurement reports to your customers (PDF and CSV)

Prerequisites*: None.

Available On: All Plans (Free, Pro, Premium & Elite)

Here's how it works:

Step 1: Find your home

Log onto your Roofr dashboard, and click the “Measurements” button on the left side navigation.

Across the top navigation bar, you’ll find a “DIY Reports” tab. Click on this.

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Then, click on the “Create a DIY Report” button.

Next, type in the address you want to get a report on. Hit “Continue” when ready to proceed.

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Step 2: Choose your roof imagery

On this screen, you’ll be presented with a number of options to create a report from. You can opt to create Roofr Report (first one is free) or draw the report yourself using any of the available aerial images of the home.

For our purposes, let’s select the first Nearmap image to start measuring.

Step 3: Draw edges and ridges

Next, start drawing the edges and ridges of the roof onto the image.

Note: You can use the 90 degree snapping feature for a perfectly straight line by clicking the grid and arrow buttons on the bottom navigation.

Step 4: Select your edge types

Once you finish drawing the edges, click the “Edges” button on the top navigation.

Then, select the type of edge (eaves, valleys, hips, ridges, rakes, wall flashings, step flashing, transition, or unspecified) and click on the corresponding line you created.

Example: If you’re looking to add eaves, click the “eaves” button on the right side navigation and then click on any lines that you want to label as “eaves”. Repeat this for all edges. 

Step 5: Rearrange Layers and Add Slope and Dormer Information

Next click on the “Facet” button on the top navigation. Here is where you can add information like slope, dormers, and rearrange layers.

Select the pitch and then click on the corresponding facet. If you have any two story facets or dormers, you can also add this information in this step.

Note: If you make a mistake, you can click the “undo” and “redo” buttons, or remove specific information by clicking “delete” on the right hand side navigation.

Step 6: Download your DIY Measurement Report

Once you have finished mapping everything out and you’re ready to get the final report, click the “Download” button, and select how you would like to receive it.

Review, save, and send the report out to your customers!

Adjusting + Adding Layers

1. Add a new layer by clicking the “+” button on the top left navigation.

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2. Adjust layers by clicking on the layer (A,B,C, etc) and clicking the “move up” or “move down” buttons on the top left navigation. 

Finding Pitch

1. Click the “View Pitch” button on the bottom navigation.

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2. Line up the pitch to the roof, and ensure it's facing the home head on.

3. Use this information to select the correct pitch when labeling each facet. 

Deleting an Edge

  1. Click the “Edges” button on the top navigation. 
  2. Click the “Delete Edge” button on the right side navigation.
  3. Select and click on the edge you would like to delete. 

Deleting a Facet

  1. Select the “Facet” button on the top navigation.
  2. Click the “Delete Facet” button on the right side navigation.
  3. Select and click the facet that you would like to delete.

Deleting a Pitch

  1. Select the “Facet” button on the top navigation.
  2. Click the “Delete Pitch” button on the right side navigation.
  3. Select and click the pitch/facet that you would like to delete.

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