
How to connect Roofer catalog line ltems to Beacon material pricing with your catalog

This article guides you through the steps to individually connect your catalog line items to your Beacon integration.

Last updated
February 17, 2025


Connecting your Roofer catalog line items to your Beacon material pricing ensures accurate cost estimation and seamless material ordering. This process allows you to link your existing catalog to real-time supplier pricing, saving time and reducing manual errors.

Before starting, ensure that your Beacon integration is set up in your Roofr platform. You can find the setup instructions here.

Prefer a video? Check out our tutorial here:

Connecting Individual Roofer Catalog Line Items to Beacon

From the Roofer Catalog

Step 1: Navigate to your Catalog section in Roofer.

Step 2: Locate the column labeled Supplier, where you'll see a Connect button next to each line item.

Step 3: Click Add, then select Beacon as your supplier.

Step 4: A search bar will automatically populate with the material line item name.

Step 5: Browse the available options in Beacon and select the correct material.

Step 6: Check the branch information to confirm where the pricing is being pulled from. If you have multiple branches, choose the appropriate one.

Step 7: Repeat these steps for all line items you wish to connect.

Using a CSV File

If you prefer, you can connect your line items using a CSV file. For the full tutorial, check out the Help article here

Step 1: Download your CSV catalog from Roofer.

Step 2: Follow the steps in the attached video to map your SKU items to Beacon pricing.

Step 3: Once completed, re-upload the updated CSV file to Roofer.

Tips for Success

  • Double-check that your Beacon integration is active before starting.
  • Ensure the correct supplier and branch are selected for each item.
  • If you manage multiple branches, verify that the selected branch pricing aligns with your needs.
  • Use the CSV upload method for bulk updates to save time.


Q: How do I know if my Beacon integration is set up correctly?

A: You can verify integration setup in your Roofer settings. A linked status will confirm the connection.

Q: Can I edit an existing connection?

A: Yes, you can revisit the catalog, locate the connected item, and update the supplier information as needed.

Q: What if I don’t see my material in Beacon’s list?

A: Try adjusting the search terms in the selection process. If the item is still missing, check with Beacon for availability.

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