How to Send an Invoice
Learn how to create and send an invoice to your customers in minutes.
What it does: Allows you to create and send an invoice to your customers in minutes.
Purpose: Saves you time by emailing an invoice to your customer digitally.
Customer can view their invoice on any device (Mobile, Web, Tablet)
Employees can download and print invoices to share with customers
Available On: Pro, Premium & Elite Plans
Here’s how it works:
Step 1: Log onto Roofr and find your invoice by:
- Searching for the job that you are sending the invoice out for
- Visiting the Invoice Dashboard
Step 2: Click on “Preview” in the upper right hand corner of your invoice

Note: An invoice cannot be emailed without a due date or line items
Step 3: The preview page allows you to see an exact copy of what your customers will receive. When the invoice looks ready to send, click on “Send Invoice”
Step 4: Here you will be able to specify who you would like to send this invoice to.
Note: By default, we will send invoices to your billing customer.
Step 5: You can add additional recipients in the “send copy to” field. You can add multiple recipients by adding commas in between each email address.
Step 6: Next, you can customize your email subject and email body. When the email looks ready, click on “Send Invoice”

Step 7: And you’re all set to go! Your customers will receive an email with a link to view their invoice where they can download it as a PDF and save it for their records.
What’s next:
Integrated Credit Card and ACH Payments - When you sign up for our integrated payment processing feature, customers will see the option to enter in their credit card or ACH details and process a charge from their own device.
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